Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

Categories: History | Society | World

Probably all of us in childhood dream to find the treasure. But the daily excavations in the backyard is usually only resulted in soiled clothes, broken tools and reprimand from her mother. After that, all the dreams of untold wealth and your dreams...

But the heroes of our review have been able to realize some of them in life, dug in the courtyard of something interesting. For example, racing a Ferrari. About this and other amazing finds you'll learn from our article.

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

Mysterious fallout shelter

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

For many years, the family Cvikov from the American city of Nina, Wisconsin, heard from neighbors that their home was once a shelter that protects from radioactive precipitation, supposedly hidden under the metal door. For a long time they did not believe the rumors until one day I decided to explore the yard.In 2010, the family found a mysterious asylum with stored food, tools, lanterns, candles, medicines, personal hygiene items, hunting gear and handheld Geiger counter to measure radiation levels.

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

It is assumed that the mini-bunker was built in the 60-ies in the midst of the Cold war. In a small room, which is now converted into a Museum was set baby bed and a toilet. Discovered asylum Ken Zwick (Ken Zwick) said that the provisions of this would be enough for about two weeks.

Shining stone of unknown origin

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

One day, two sisters from the city of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, was digging in the backyard in search of worms for the upcoming fishing. Suddenly girls had stumbled onto something much more — the unknown, mysterious and curious.

The sisters were caught in a huge transparent stone which glowed in the sun and was not similar to one they knew mineral. As it turned out, not only girls but even the experts are unable to determine what kind of breed.

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

In 1978, a Gary Johnson (Gary Johnson) have been found in the backyard of a huge stone. His friend expert, having studied the find, said it is of no value, so the boulder remained lying on the ground.Decades later in 2014, Gary Johnson saw a TV report about his neighbor. It was said that in the yard of the men managed to find the remains of an ancient animal. Then Gary invited another expert to investigate they discovered the stone. Suspicions confirmed: "easy rock" turned out to be the remains of a rare Atlantic right whale, which, presumably, had lain in the earth 14-17 million years.

400-year-old Church bells

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

In the Czech Republic in 2013 was discovered ancient Church bells, the age of which experts have estimated 400 years. The discovery was accidentally made by a local resident. The man was digging in the yard hole in order to lay pipes, and as a result came across this.

It is assumed that the bell was stolen from a nearby Church ten years earlier and apparently decided to hide in the courtyard of the unsuspecting worker.

Medieval treasures

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

Tombstone bronze age (XXV century BC)

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

In 2001, the Briton Stephen Davies (Stephen Davis) wanted to study the strange stone, which has long been embedded in the ground on his site. The man turned to the historian to find out the history of the origin of the mysterious plate.

As it turned out, in the yard, Davis was not an ordinary rock, and the gravestone of the bronze age. Expert, attentive studying the find, said it could be installed around the XXV century BC

Mammoth remains

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

A farmer from Michigan, worked in his garden as suddenly his spade struck upon something hard... "Treasures!" — happy the man. However, as it turned out, the ground was more than gold, and bling.Mysterious fossil has been found mammoth bones buried under the deposits of the earth of about 12 thousand years ago. It is assumed that the animal died when he was about 40 years old.

Missiles of world war II... at school

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

And to think, earlier on the place of high school in Florida was a military site, which tested a variety of ammunition, bombs and rockets. Exactly the one who found them during one of the repairs on campus.

As a result, the school had to close and deploy this place mass excavation. Representatives of the U.S. army corps of engineers reported that they were able to dig up many different ammunition and even a tank!

Cemetery of the eighteenth century

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

In 2010, a Vincent Marcelo (Vincent Marcello) New Orleans, United States, wanted to dig in the yard pool hole. When he began to dig, his shovel struck a piece of wood. The man was confused, so he called the team of archaeologists. Together, they dug up in the backyard Marcelo... 15 wooden coffins.It turned out that this place was a cemetery of the eighteenth century. At some point the cemetery was exhausted, and they simply forgot about it. Agree, not the most pleasant discovery...

Ferrari Racing

Unusual finds in the courts of ordinary people: Ferrari racing, mammoth bones, and more

About such a discovery dream, I guess, every boy! A racing car, and even a Ferrari Dino GTS 264. To dig out the car managed in 1978 in Los Angeles. The kids played in the yard, suddenly noticed something odd. Digging a little deeper, and having carefully studied the object, the guys realized that before them the roof of the car.

The children are lucky, because at this time by just drove the Sheriff. They stopped his car and told about his strange discovery. Then, with the support of colleagues, the Sheriff dug Ferrari Dino GTS 264, which at the time was worth $ 1,800 fabulous!

It turned out that the car was stolen, but who thought of burying her in the yard, the police never found out.

And what is most strange and unusual found you?

Keywords: Yard | Treasure | Find | Search | Rarity | Dig

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