Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

Categories: Food and Drinks

Even if you really like to eat, the information we have prepared for you, can seriously impair the appetite. So before you read any further, think carefully whether you are ready to know the truth or should remain in the dark.

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

In recent years, we actively afraid of chemicals in food products. But in reality, sometimes it is cheaper to use the gifts we provides a generous nature, than there is something to invent, mix and synthesize. The giants of the food industry doesn't throw money away, so try to slip us something cheaper, while not really worrying about the purity of the product.

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

A favorite of many of us, peanut butter may contain rodent hair and small particles of chitin insects. This information is formally published the Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA). Per 100 grams of peanut butter is allowed sanitary norms of a number of small hairs and 30-40 fragments of arthropods. It is considered safe for human health.

For anybody today not a secret that vanilla flavouring have not made from real vanilla. But we think that it is synthesized artificially. And in fact, very often this product is just very natural, because its production many companies use the so-called "castoreum" is the secret special glands of beavers, located near the anus of the animal.

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

When we tell children what a bright and cute jelly candy is "solid chemistry", we tell a lie. Main ingredient included in the composition of this delicacy — gelatin, based on collagen. The cheapest way to get collagen from the waste of the meat industry — hides, bones and pigskin that many companies do.

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

That fresh mushrooms can be wormy, is well known to all. Now let's deal with the fact that larvae may be canned mushrooms which we are not accustomed to consider. The FDA allows for the content of "20 or more maggots of any size per 100 grams of mushrooms".

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

The company Clear Labs, even in 2015, released the results of independent studies of food products from fast food. In the end it turned out that 2% hot dogs contained human DNA. No, it's not as bad as you thought — in sausages, the rolls and sauces were just turned out of human hair, nails and skin particles. Yes, 10% vegetarian sausages in a tasty bun contained the real meat.

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

A candy company on the planet used for the manufacture of solid glaze so-called Shellac. This substance is a processed by special technology resin, which highlights the female Kerria lacca beetle from South-East Asia. The resin obtained in farms of insects, dissolved in ethanol, and then export to different countries of the world. You may not know that the glaze made from beetles, as often the manufacturer modestly refers to it as "icing for the pastry" or simply Е904.

Unpleasant appetite, or 7 disgusting facts about food that you just have to know

The bright red dye used in the confectionery industry, is obtained by grinding into powder boiled insects called kostelny mealybug. The dye the professionals is simply called "Carmine", "cochineal" or "natural red 4".

Keywords: Supplements | Food | Insects | Trouble | Cheating | Disgusting food

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