Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Categories: Food and Drinks | Nature

On August 11, we celebrate the Day of the White Mushroom, traditionally revered by many as the real king of the mushroom world. Every mushroom picker and gourmet knows its value and taste. But what other mushrooms should you look out for on your next quiet hunt? Join us in this mushroom festival and discover the world of forest delicacies!

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Many people associate autumn primarily with mushrooms, although hunting for them begins in the spring. In total, there are more than 250 thousand of their species on Earth. All of them are divided into edible and poisonous. The former are rich in protein and minerals, the latter are dangerous to humans. Experienced mushroom pickers can easily distinguish one mushroom from another, but beginners should not rush and pick anything. You need to know that most edible mushrooms have "false twins", which are often unsuitable for consumption.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

The common chanterelle is an edible mushroom of the 3rd category. It has a light yellow or orange-yellow hat (up to 12 cm) with wavy edges and a leg (up to 10 cm). It grows in coniferous and mixed forests. (tonx)

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Autumn honey agaric is an edible mushroom of the 3rd category. It has a brown hat (up to 10 cm) of a convex shape, a white thin leg (up to 10 cm). It grows in large families on tree trunks or stumps.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Aspen breast is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a white sticky hat (up to 30 cm) of a flat-convex shape, a white or pinkish leg (up to 8 cm). Grows in mixed forests.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Volnushka pink - edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a pale pink hat (up to 12 cm) with a small indentation in the center and edges wrapped downwards, a leg (up to 6 cm). Grows in mixed forests.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Oiler is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a brown oily hat of a convex or flat shape and a leg (up to 11 cm). It grows both in forests and in plantations.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Boletus is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a reddish-brown hat (up to 25 cm) and a thick leg with dark scales. It grows in deciduous and mixed forests.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Boletus is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. It has a dull brown cushion-shaped hat and a white thin leg (up to 17 cm) with brownish scales. It grows in deciduous forests near birches.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

The real mushroom is an edible mushroom of the 1st category. It has a white mucous cap (up to 20 cm) of a funnel shape with pubescent edges wrapped inward and a white or yellowish leg (up to 7 cm). It grows in deciduous and mixed forests.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

Real camelina is an edible mushroom of the 1st category. It has an orange or light red funnel-shaped hat with straightening edges and a leg of the same color (up to 7 cm). Grows in coniferous forests.

Top 10 Mushrooms: Kings of the Forest

White mushroom is the king of mushrooms. Valued for its excellent taste and aroma. The shape of the mushroom resembles a barrel. It has a brown hat and a white or light brown leg (up to 25 cm). It grows in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests.

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