Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world

Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world

Categories: Asia | History | People | Photo project | Society | Tragedy | World

Every day of human life is a struggle. The struggle for immunity with external threat factors. Many of us know such diseases as influenza, tonsillitis, cancer, and AIDS. Some people know what "radiation sickness" is. But far fewer people are familiar with Minamata disease.

Minamata is a Japanese town with a bay of the same name, into which the industrial company Chisso dumped mercury waste for more than 34 years, which became the most famous.


Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world

1. Mercury practically did not remain directly in the water, it accumulated in the organisms that were in it and consumed. Fish and oysters, the staple food of the locals, have been a catalyst for public health problems.

Methylmercury from water and seafood gradually affected the central nervous system of the population in varying degrees, from hearing loss, weakness, and numbness to loss of reason and death. Not only people suffered and died, but also birds, fish, and domestic animals. Due to the consumption of fish by pregnant women, children began to appear with congenital Minamata disease.

Local doctors began trying to get the public's attention. But most successfully, this was done by the American documentary photographer Eugene Smith.

Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world

2. In the photo - Photographer Eugene with his wife Eileen Smith.

For 3 years he lived and photographed the disease in the faces of the inhabitants of the city.

Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world


Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world


Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world


Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world


Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world


But Eugene himself believed that only one photograph was needed that hit right on target. This is how the best work of Eugene appeared: "Tomoko Uemura in her bathroom." The black-and-white photo shows a mother hugging her badly disfigured, naked daughter in a traditional Japanese bathroom.

Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world

8. Tomoko Uemura in her bathroom

Immediately after its publication, the photo became widely known and drew the attention of the world community to Minamata disease, contributing to the struggle of the victims for compensation. Unfortunately, this photo, although it gained wide popularity, could not bring much benefit. The photographer was beaten up by thugs hired by the Chisso company, and the Uemura family was criticized and accused by locals and factory workers, who considered their story a lie and a way to obtain financial gain.

According to the family, their life became simply unbearable, and the photo of their daughter was dragged through all the publications, perverting the meaning with which it was created. Five years after this photograph, Tomoko Uemura died.

Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world

9. After Eugene Smith's death, his wife transferred all copyright to the photograph to the Uemura family. Tomoko's father, Yoshio Uemura, refused all interviews and did not want Tomoko's image to be further exploited, and Tomoko herself found peace.

Tomoko Uemura in the bath. Photo that shocked the whole world

10. A scene from the movie "Minamata"\"Great". Dedicated to the Minamata problem.

Despite the positive decision of the Japanese court that the company must pay damages to the victims, Chisso did not do this.

In 2013, Japan's prime minister declared that the country had fully recovered from mercury pollution, denying that there were victims alive today. No cure for Minamata disease has yet been found.

Keywords: Tomoko Uemura | Bath | External threat factors | Immunity | Illness | Health problems | People | Japan | Minamata disease | Human life

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