To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

Categories: Nations | World

We are all guests on this earth and no matter how much of wealth is not amassed into the grave with them not to take. This is because we believe. But a Gypsy barons think differently and their funerals are somewhat similar to moving from one mansion to another. Even the road itself the cemetery is furnished with maximum luxury and comfort.

To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

Despite the fact that Gypsies are Christians, their burial customs are radically different from our own. The representatives of this people believed that after death the person continues to live in the afterlife and they need to get there the most comfortable environment.

To afford the funeral at the highest level very few can, but for Gypsy barons underground tomb — an indispensable attribute of a burial. Bury Gypsy aristocrats almost like the Egyptian pharaohs — the spacious tombs, which are equipped with all that you loved during the life of the deceased.

The premises is located underground, and the top is grandiose granite or marble monument. The monument depicts the deceased, as a minimum, in full growth, and is that a horse or a car.

In the tomb place the furniture, appliances, clothing, alcohol, mobile phones, jewelry. In addition to household items and luxury, with the deceased buried all he loved in life. Shaver, Slippers, favorite pajamas, the ficus in the tub — sometimes the most unusual items that can brighten up the afterlife of the dead.

To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

After the coffin takes its place among the underground choir, women, mourners, take gold jewelry and cast it into the grave. After that the crypt is closed with concrete slabs and on top for reliability, pour the floor with concrete.

Despite the precautions, such burials are sometimes twine. Although grave robbing has always been considered a great sin, for some people it is tempting to obtain a respectable profit, robbing an underground "apartment", the owner of which is not exactly resistance. Although, most often, from Gypsy graves to steal jewelry and money, sometimes attackers do not give up major appliances.

To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

Separate story deserves the story of the theft from the grave the Gypsy Baron Mikhail Oglu told by "tomb robbers" after the arrest. In the underground crypt of lovers of easy money came shortly after the funeral, until the concrete has not yet gained strength. The thieves managed to break a hammer the roof of the burial, and went downstairs.

The owner of the grave was at full parade — in an expensive suit, watch "rolex" standing as a good car, and a ring with diamonds. In the room stood a table covered with delicious viands and Laden with bottles of booze. It's criminals and ruined. Taking watches, jewelry, 100 thousand roubles and 5 thousand dollars, but honestly leaving the dead need video equipment that thieves decided to "wash" a fortune and was gathered to his cognac with the burial of the table. Some time later, the villains found the fingerprint on the bottle of alcohol.

To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

The process of funeral is also noteworthy. The deceased is placed in an exclusive coffin, made of expensive wood. Can optionally be fitted with air conditioning, wireless communication and Autonomous lighting. Such a coffin was ordered for the Baron Floriana Cioaba, whose funeral was held in the Romanian city of Sibiu in August 2013.

The representative of the Roma people in General left this world with great style. His conduct was attended by delegations from 59 countries, and the funeral procession of supercars and limousines stretched for 7 km. And so said goodbye to the "Queen of the Gypsies" in the UK.

The family of this woman ordered a horse hearse, drawn by four horses, and the cortege of limousines. The flowers for the decoration of the sad ceremony was spent 16 million pounds (over 1.3 million). At the grave laid 60 of wreaths, each of which was at a height of meters and had the shape of a dear deceased subjects and animal use: candy, puppies and ponies.

This is the funeral procession Vittorio Casamonica, head of the Roma mafia clan in Italy. The six horses, a luxury hearse and the procession, stretching for several kilometers. And very soon his clan fought the Italian authorities that fall 2018 massively demolished the Villa of this family.

To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

The monuments of Roma can be seen from afar. Not only that, the deceased is usually depicted in full growth, sometimes placed close relatives, often still living. Everyone should know that here is buried a respected man, whose death was for all the family great loss.To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

Often the deceased is depicted at the dinner table, on which are placed the bottles with the names of elite alcoholic drinks, expensive cigarettes with the branding and so on. It happens that on the tombstone depicts fishing tackle, cars, boats and other things reminiscent of the Hobbies of the deceased. As people commemorate the dead with a feast near the graves set tables and benches, and sometimes equipped and the whole is covered pavilions.

To the light will take? The absurd luxury of the graves of the Gypsy Baron

Keywords: Ceremony | Funerals | Luxury | Crypt | Roma

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