To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

Categories: Design and Architecture | World

When traveling abroad, we love to compare "us" and "them", and it is clear that the comparison is almost always not in our favor. Meanwhile, if you look at the situation with optimism, in order to begin to live better, it is necessary not so much. To demonstrate this we decided Russian architect Alexey Novikov, a little embellishment of the domestic hinterland with the help of computer technology.

To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

In his project, Alex used visual method of information presentation "then and now", although in his case we can say otherwise — "is — could be." A little "pricesa" realities of the Russian periphery, senseless and merciless, Novikov gave to understand that in order to live not worse than European neighbours, does not need old Soviet tradition to destroy everything to the ground, and then something to sculpt on the ruins. You can just tidy what you have and get the cute and very cosy towns and villages.

1. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

Simple, isn't it? But only the author removed with the help of photoshop ugly chaotic is from the facade of the old mansion.

2. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

See the difference? Neatly paved yard, renovated roof and the lack of artisanal constructions on the balconies.

3. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

Repairing the road and sidewalks, as well as burying power lines under the ground can be achieved here such here pleasant surroundings in a seemingly hopeless area with old wooden buildings.

4. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

And again the author proves to us that happiness lies in small things. In the illustration he is not finished skyscrapers and futuristic elements of landscaping — plants, conventional benches, modern lighting poles and... given the roads and sidewalks.

5. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

This is the picture in the style of "find 10 differences". If you take a few minutes to compare two idyllic rural landscapes, we find that the differences are not so much. Silent embellished the house and outbuildings, and, of course, shown a good way.

6. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

And again, no radical changes — well maintained yard, no debris, a few simple small architectural forms.

7. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

It is not the embankment of the Loire or Thames, is a visualization of the river in the Russian province after a small reconstruction of the 10-meter band.

8. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

And this render can generally be considered a guide to action. To turn the porch in this picture, do not need large investments and large-scale construction work.

9. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

What do you think? Even in a completely hopeless at first glance, the car wash attached to garage cooperative, can look solid, if a little try.

10. To live humanly: the architect showed the Russian reality in a new light

The private sector is a completely separate topic for discussion — then everyone can create well-being on the site belonging to him. Of course, if you want.

Analyzing the work of Alexei Novikov, you can come to the conclusion that in order to live a new life, it is necessary not so much — quality roads and paving, adequate street lighting, cleanliness and the lack of tasteless Amateur. What do you think?

Keywords: Backwoods | Beauty | Reconstruction | Repair | Russians

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