To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

Categories: Design and Architecture | Europe | Society

Good taste will not train as shooting skills and, especially, not buy for the money, even if you're cool Gypsy mafia and kept at Bay the whole of Rome. This convinced the Italian carabinieri, seized 8 mansions that belonged to a mafia family Casamonti having Gypsy roots.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

In a large-scale operation to seize the Gypsy mafia of property acquired exclusively with unfair labor, was attended by about 600 officers. The police to clear confiscated by the court living space, had to put out the door 30 is not too pleasant personalities, who flatly refused to become homeless.

What appeared to the eyes of the Italian police inside the houses, it is difficult to describe with words. That is why we invite you to sit back and independently evaluate the style and scope, which the representatives of the Italian mafia family Casamonti inherited from his Gypsy ancestors.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

What a Gypsy without a horse? The owner of this mansion totally agree with that, so I placed a gilded horse statue in the living room, where it will be able to see all the guests of the house.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

Also once it becomes clear that the owner of the house concerned and to the family of big cats — wherever possible, he set porcelain figurines of tigers, lions and leopards.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

Of course, the ancient Chinese vases will be a great setting to Chinese, but modern consumer goods.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

It has been empirically demonstrated that this kind of bedroom people with a guilty conscience sleep better.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

No need to hesitate — take these design ideas right now. The owners of this splendor is still on the run.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

Another free fantasy horse theme. Porcelain horse with developing mane and languid krugovichi of peyzanki — was there something similar in the sideboard of your grandmother?

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

Obviously, fighters with mafia clans, prepare to not only shoot with two hands and the taste to distinguish heroin from different years of harvest, but also to be a long time in the specific interiors.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

By the way, it will soon be easier as the mansions of the leaders of the criminal world have begun to demolish.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

Clan Casamonti declared itself in criminal circles of Rome in the late ' 80s, early 90-ies. The first representatives of this family arrived in the Eternal city from the province of Abruzzi e Molise in the 60s, which explains a lot. They say that a person can leave the province, but the province won't leave person ever.

And so it happened — the family Casamonti could get used to the light of competitors to earn millions at the races, drugs and prostitution, to engage in profitable criminal alliances with the Neapolitan Camorra, the Calabrian Ndrangheta and even find a common language with frostbitten Nigerian gangsters. The only thing that did not come with the Gypsy mafia is to learn how not to invest in junk.

To confiscate and destroy: in Italy, the demolition of the Villa Roma mafia family

In 2015, the Romans got a culture shock, watching the pathetic funeral of don Vittorio Casamonti, who many considered the godfather of the group.

The coffin with a 65-year-old gangster was carrying a mourning coach, drawn by six black horses horses, followed by a motorcade of 250 luxury cars. In the sky over the funeral procession circled the helicopter, deteriorating rose petals, and a powerful instrument played on the street main theme from the movie "the Godfather".

The emergence of such a funeral procession in the centre of the Eternal city almost blocked the movement of vehicles, crippling several densely populated neighborhoods. The townspeople immediately rushed to accuse the government of inaction to deal with the criminal gang, the police can not have more than 30 years.

Keywords: Interiors | Mafia | Crime | Rome | Roma

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