The world of strange children of the artist and revolutionary Olga Esther
Categories: Children | Europe | Exhibition
By Pictolic by Spanish artist from Valencia Olga Esther (Esther Olga) is very unusual. Heroes of her works are almost always children, but they are not quite what we're used to seeing. Portraits look like Renaissance paintings, but the kids in them in quite a modern style and in a very strange images. They are in the crowns, halos and swords, and often... the one-eyed.
Olga Esther was born in 1975 in Valencia in the family, public figures and anti-fascists who fought against the Franco regime. Due to the fact that the girl's parents were persecuted for political reasons, the family had to move a lot and for a long time to live in the countryside, away from cultural life.
As Olga was the only child in the family, and the constant moving interfere with the girl to make friends, her partners in the games began cats, dogs, geese and other domestic animals. At school, Olga, which was not able to go to the cinema, theater or museums, filled this niche books, mostly in the fantasy genre. It is not surprising that when Esther started drawing the characters of her works were princes, Queens, knights and mysterious wizards, who were the children.
After school Olga has been at a crossroads, because I wanted to be a zoologist, and an artist. But creative half won, and she enrolled at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where she began to study painting, drawing and sculpture. At the University of Esther became acquainted with the ideas of feminism in the works of anthropologist Marcela Lagarde was the beginning of a rebellious period in her life.
Just finished the school, Olga Esther is sent to the Czech Republic, where it joins the ranks of the anti-globalization. After that, the irrepressible thirst for action carries the artist for the ocean in Mexico, like her colleague and compatriot Remedios varo. There Olga supported the Zapatistas fighting for the rights of the local Indian population.
All the time, free from the revolutionary storms, Olga writes his paintings became a way to convey to the world the ideas that concern her. It is difficult for us to understand what is indicated by the work of Esther — they are full of symbols and allusions, but to consider them a real pleasure.
It would be strange if a passionate lover of animals and nature Esther, on the canvases there would be animals. The world of her dreams is inhabited by rabbits, ravens, toads, mice, cats, dogs, chameleons, snails, bees, and even dragons!
Keywords: Rebels | Valencia | Children | Spain | Revolution | Feminism | Artist
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