The smoke of the Fatherland: the usual burning of leaves turned out to be more dangerous than smoking
Categories: Ecology | Health and Medicine | Nature | Science | Society | World
By Pictolic you know that breathing burning garbage is 350 times more dangerous than cigarettes?
Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, including passive. But those people who are so afraid of tobacco smoke and do not suspect that there is smoke much more dangerous than cigarette smoke and they inhale it much more often. We are talking about the products of gorenje leaves, which in our country it is customary to dispose of in an old barbaric way.
Ecologist Svetlana Berzina told reporters about why burning leaves pose a serious danger to health and what other troubles can be caused by autumn bonfires.
Few people have thought about what the smoke from burning leaves is. For most of us, burning garbage in vacant lots and right in the courtyards of residential buildings is just a source of discomfort and an unpleasant smell. But Svetlana Berzina does not advise underestimating the effect of smoke on a person.
What does this smoke, familiar to all of us, contain in itself, which many people consistently associate with autumn? First of all, the burned leaves are very rarely completely dry. Moisture causes an abundant release of smoke, and hence carbon monoxide. Is it worth telling separately about the danger of this chemical compound for the human body?
But it is not only the CO2 released during combustion that is dangerous for us. The foliage also contains a complex of organic substances that, when heated to high temperatures, turn into benzopyrene. This is a dangerous carcinogen, inhaling which a person significantly increases the risk of getting cancer.
It is worth adding here the toxic compounds that fall on the leaves from the exhaust gases of cars and industrial emissions. It is no exaggeration to say that in large megacities, leaves contain almost the entire periodic table, and by burning garbage, we not only release these elements, but also contribute to the formation of numerous toxic compounds from them.
Just one ton of autumn garbage releases up to 30 kg of harmful chemicals during combustion. They are not only carried far around by the wind, but also penetrate into the soil, surface and groundwater, settle on objects and people's skin.
In many countries, burning leaves is a serious offense, which is punishable by a substantial monetary fine and even restriction of freedom. Attempts are being made to combat arsonists at the legislative level and in the CIS countries, but so far few people take seriously the ban on burning leaves.
The tradition of getting rid of fallen leaves with the help of fire is supported by the widespread myth that ash from leaves is an excellent fertilizer. This is not true and gorenje products are not only not useful for the soil, but also vice versa reduce its fertility.
Summing up and talking with an ecologist, it is safe to say that there is not a single excuse for burning leaves and supporters of this method of cleaning territories effectively kill not only themselves, but also others.
Scientists warn that mass burning of foliage is dangerous on a global scale, as the release of a huge amount of carbon dioxide contributes to the climate change of the planet.
Keywords: Harm | Prohibition | Smoking | Garbage | Danger | Autumn | Toxins
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