
Not fabulous, not Bali: the dirtiest island in the Maldives


Not fabulous, not Bali: the dirtiest island in the Maldives

What does an island where there is not a single piece of free land, with tons of garbage produced daily by the million tourists who ...

“What Rules? I’m Special”: 10 Pics Of Entitled Tourists To Make Your Blood Boil


“What Rules? I’m Special”: 10 Pics Of Entitled Tourists ...

Few things are more aggravating than people not respecting things that ought to be respected, like mother nature, sites of great ...

22 photographs of Chinese photographer Li Guang, who disappeared because of his beliefs


22 photographs of Chinese photographer Li Guang, who ...

For most of us, China is huge modern metropolises, beautiful pagodas, fabulously beautiful rivers and mountains and, of course, the ...

On the waves of the future: the floating city will retain the coastal villages from floods


On the waves of the future: the floating city will retain the ...

The problem of global warming are a storm cloud hanging over our planet. The water of the oceans can get out of its banks and flood ...

Why humanity can't get rid of mosquitoes


Why humanity can't get rid of mosquitoes

The mosquito is not just a pesky blood-sucking insect, but the most dangerous creature on the planet. Two million people die every ...

What will happen to our world if suddenly disappear all cats


What will happen to our world if suddenly disappear all cats

Many of us can't imagine even a single day without his beloved cats. In spite of the night running around, indestructible wool ...

The photographer has not thrown out garbage for four years for the sake of a photo shoot


The photographer has not thrown out garbage for four years ...

In 2011, photographer Antoine Repessé stopped throwing garbage, and for a reason. Four years later, he created a photo series #365 ...

Pacific garbage patch: huge island of trash the size of France


Pacific garbage patch: huge island of trash the size of France

Imagine the area of France, multiply it by three and flunk all images trash to the brim. Looks like the Great Pacific garbage patch ...

Minamata disease - how the plant secretly killed the Japanese for decades


Minamata disease - how the plant secretly killed the Japanese ...

Mercury is a liquid silvery metal used in many modern industries. The importance of mercury for metallurgy, energy, the chemical ...

What are waves


What are waves

Sian ka'an is a unique biosphere reserve, located along the Caribbean coast of Mexico, but going by the currents bring on the ...

10 Fascinating And Terrifying Pics Of The Power Of Winter


10 Fascinating And Terrifying Pics Of The Power Of Winter

Freeze! No, that wasn't a command; that was an exclamation, you don't need to freeze, pandas. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere ...

Indoor plants that purify the air


Indoor plants that purify the air

Various household appliances, plastic furniture, chipboard furniture, linoleum, panels, paint, wallpaper, washing powders and ...

Reusable plastic bottles turned out to be dangerous for humans


Reusable plastic bottles turned out to be dangerous for humans

A lot has been said and written about the dangers of disposable plastic bottles. Many environmental organizations persistently ...

Why buying a live Christmas tree is more useful for the environment than putting an artificial one


Why buying a live Christmas tree is more useful for the ...

The time is approaching when the Christmas tree hype will begin. Millions of people worried about nature conservation will choose ...

Satellite images that show how much we've changed the planet


Satellite images that show how much we've changed the planet

Artist Benjamin Grant pays special attention to the pictures of our planet from above. But it shows he is not the wild and ...

19 items that should not be thrown in the trash


19 items that should not be thrown in the trash

When something fails or just becomes useless, we readily throw it in the trash. But many of us do not realize that some of these ...

10 photos of the Great Smog in London


10 photos of the Great Smog in London

On December 5, 1952, one of the most terrible environmental events in the history of England took place. "Great Smog" (Eng. Great ...

And it happens cleanly in India: how is cleanliness observed in Maulinnong Village


And it happens cleanly in India: how is cleanliness observed ...

Garbage is a big problem in India: starting from plastic bottles and wrappers, ending with cow manure. But this does not apply to ...

How Singapore became the greenest metropolis on the planet


How Singapore became the greenest metropolis on the planet

Singapore is the most controversial city in the world. Here, incredible futuristic buildings made of glass, metal and concrete are ...

12 Crazy Pics Of Mother Nature Doing Things On Its Own Terms


12 Crazy Pics Of Mother Nature Doing Things On Its Own Terms

There’s this saying that essentially says there is no bad weather—only bad choices in clothing. Obviously, people who say that ...

The most sensational finds ever discovered in glaciers


The most sensational finds ever discovered in glaciers

The Earth's ice cover is disappearing, and at a very rapid pace. For example, in Glater National Park in Montana, due to ...

10 everyday things people use to bring global environmental disaster closer


10 everyday things people use to bring global environmental ...

Environmental scientists are ringing the bells - planet Earth is under threat. Due to human influence, the rate of extinction of ...

What will happen to the planet if all the ice melts on it


What will happen to the planet if all the ice melts on it

If humanity continues to burn fossil fuels and emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, global warming will eventually melt all the ...

Why are sunflowers planted in places of nuclear disasters


Why are sunflowers planted in places of nuclear disasters

The disaster that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 shocked the whole world. Its consequences affected the ...

Do you like seafood? Then you regularly eat plastic


Do you like seafood? Then you regularly eat plastic

Seafood is traditionally considered very healthy. However, an experiment conducted in Belgium calls this into question. It turned ...

Under the blue sky is a Golden city, or Why you are traveling to La Rinconada


Under the blue sky is a Golden city, or Why you are traveling ...

Residents of the Peruvian city of La Rinconada, located in the Andes near the border with Bolivia, live at the altitude of 5100 ...