The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

Categories: History | Nations

In 1864, a young resident of Ohio George Kennan joined the group of researchers in search of a possible route of laying a Telegraph cable from the Bering Strait through Siberia to Europe as an alternative to cable across the Atlantic ocean. Kennan spent two years studying the cold and wild lands of the Russian Empire and encountering a lot of local people. Plans for the construction of Telegraph lines were forgotten, once was laid the cable on the bottom of the Atlantic.

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-iesSource: Mashable

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

The multicultural wealth of the Russian Empire 1870-1880-ies

Keywords: The nineteenth century | The Emperor of nationality | Russian Empire | Russian | Black and white photography | Ethnography

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