The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

Categories: Europe | Sport

Last Sunday, the annual Tough Guy 2016 competition took place near the English city of Wolverhampton. These races can only be described as "a real nightmare, it's worse than running away from a whole herd of hellish stallions."

Despite the obvious risk and danger when participating in races, every year thousands of people, men and women, are eager to test themselves and prove that they are the most enduring and strong. And these qualities will undoubtedly be useful to all participants, because they will have to go through mud, fire, electric current, barbed wire and much more.

This year's winner was 22-year-old Connor Hancock from Sheffield, who finished in 1 hour and 31 minutes.

(Total 12 photos)

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitionsSource:

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

Every year, several thousand people take part in competitions, but about half do not even reach the finish line.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

This year's competition began with cross-country, followed by obstacles, or the so-called "killing fields", under the names "Viet Cong Torture Tunnel", "Tank Ditch" and "Terrible Anaconda" (whatever that means).

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

There is no place for discrimination in Tough Guy competitions.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

A participant with a prosthesis runs a section of mud racing.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

This year, 4,500 people took part in the race, but only half of them made it to the finish line. Many were disqualified due to the fact that they overcame obstacles not according to the rules.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

It is customary for many participants to dress up in crazy costumes and paint their faces. Perhaps to intimidate rivals, or maybe for aesthetic pleasure.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

The competition was organized in 1987 by Billy Wilson, a former military man who at one time was engaged in the physical training of British Army soldiers.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

Bill Wilson himself, or, as he is also called, Mr. Mouse, considers the race to be the most difficult cross country in the world.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

In the 25 years of the competition, two people have died and hundreds have been injured to varying degrees.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

To become a participant in such a fun event, everyone must purchase a ticket for 39 pounds.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

The race takes place on the estate of organizer Billy Wilson.

The most severe and life-threatening Tough Guy 2016 competitions

By the way, the goal of the competition is very noble - all proceeds go to the Animal Rescue Fund, where they help abandoned, old or injured donkeys and horses.

Keywords: Tough Guy | UK | Survival | Race | Competition | Extreme

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