The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | Life hacks | Science

"Wash your hands before eating!" — a phrase familiar to us since childhood. The parents explained that with the help of this simple hygienic procedure to get rid of germs and prevent various diseases. Of course, you also need to wash your hands after using the restroom, after returning from the street, once supported the money and in many other cases.

Read more about them will be discussed below.

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

During the day in a doctor's office includes many sick patients. And, of course, they touch door handles, chairs, table and other objects that are here. So after a visit to the doctor (any), be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap to wash away all the accumulated germs.

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

Many people think that washing the dishes, they automatically do and your hands clean. In fact, during this process at hand are hundreds of bacteria, because a sponge is a real breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. The same can be said about the cutting Board. After I cut the bread or vegetables, be sure to wash your hands and the Board itself. By the way, and the Board, and the sponge should be changed regularly.

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

Coming to the cafe, we will go to the bathroom, where my hand back to the table and begin to explore the menu. But this "book" is the natural habitat of many microbes. Just imagine, in the hands of how many people she has time to visit for the day! So suggest first making an order and then go wash your hands.

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

Cannot even count how many people every day, touch the handrails on the subway or the handrail of the escalator... that's why public transport is the ideal place for the spread of various bacteria. And even if you specifically anything not touch, do not forget that you pass to the driver money, which are also a breeding ground for germs, viruses and even DNA Pets!

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

Since we were talking about animals, it is necessary to mention that after playing with them (no matter the street or homemade), be sure to wash your hands. Pets are potential carriers of infections and sometimes quite dangerous. Teach your children to do and in no case do not let them touch the person until they are carried out hygiene procedures.

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

The airport every day receives thousands of passengers, and they all leave their mark — touch door handles, chairs, reception and so on. And the most dangerous place — the chairs and plastic pans and trays on the safety lines. Therefore, even after passing the inspection, do not be lazy to go to the restroom and wash hands thoroughly.

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why

Here and everything should be clear. Each toilet is the refuge of various microorganisms, which are deposited on doors, faucets, toilet, trash and other elements of the interior of this room. But everyone forgets about... soap dispensers! After all, all of them touch their hands before they become clean. Try after I wash my hands, not to touch the dispenser, otherwise with the same success you could wash them directly in the toilet.

How often do you wash your hands?

Keywords: Bacteria | Hygiene | Germs | Hands | Care | Scientists

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