The most candid wedding photo shoot was done in Holland

The most candid wedding photo shoot was done in Holland

Categories: Europe

Dutch photographer Michel Kluster posted on Facebook on October 2, perhaps one of the most original wedding pictures: the groom is standing with his back to the audience with his pants down, and the bride is kneeling in front of him. The caption reads: "Some newlyweds can't wait for the party to end and they can go to the room to spend an unforgettable wedding night. Fortunately, they have already exchanged wedding promises and officially got married." Kluster's post has collected 36 thousand likes and 17 thousand comments.

The most candid wedding photo shoot was done in Holland

Not all commentators appreciated such bold humor, and the photographer added: "This is not a marketing trick, we just came up with a funny idea. We didn't mean to offend anyone. Those who find it offensive, in my mind, live in 1996. Let people have fun, life is already too sanctimonious."

The most candid wedding photo shoot was done in Holland

Michelle Kluster told BuzzFeed that the idea for the photo was suggested by the bride's mother. Before that, he had seen a similar picture on some American website and decided that it was funny. Nevertheless, the photographer refuses the most "pornographic" ideas, and in this case he did not want intimate parts of the body to be visible in the frame: "I just wanted to create a general impression." Three couples have already asked for the same wedding photo of the Dutchman.

The most candid wedding photo shoot was done in Holland

The newlyweds depicted in the pictures wished to remain anonymous. Kluster said they were very funny people: "It was a nice laid-back wedding, everything was not too formal there."

The most candid wedding photo shoot was done in Holland

He also explained that such wedding pictures are a trend of recent years when everyone wants to outdo each other: "People want to be different from other newlyweds. The photos should be more beautiful than their sisters, cousins and friends."

Keywords: Groom | Idea | Brides | Netherlands | Original | Wedding | Photo shoot

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