The most beautiful man of the 20th century in photos
Categories: Celebrities | History | World
By Pictolic were adored by millions of fans from all over the world, the films with their participation have become classics. We present to your attention a list of the most beautiful men of the 20th century with the photos, we will talk about their careers and fates!
Burning Italian was incredible popularity after the release of the film "the taming of the shrew", in which he played the main role.
The actor plays fine 3 musical instruments, dances. Over the years he proved himself as a Director, composer, broadcaster, it is not surprising that women still love Adriano!
Actor and Director who became the man of the era, he is the sex symbol of the 60-70 years of the last century.
The star of the movie "Rocco and his brothers" kept my mind of millions of its loyal fans, their charming tall (1.77 m) and gorgeous eyes languishing.
The actor is associated by the fans of the trilogy "the Godfather," where he appeared before the audience in the role of unscrupulous and hard of Michael Corleone.
But there's filmography al Pacino and other movies that you can revisit endlessly: "Scarface", "Scent of a woman"". Today the actor more than 75 years old, but he has retained a beautiful physical form, continues to appear in films.
Producer, musician, and actor, whom we know from the film series "die hard", can rightfully be called the most handsome man of the 20th century.
The actor today, more than 60 years, but he he looks just perfect!
Legendary Hollywood actor that you could see in the cult film "to Kill a Mockingbird".
Peck is not only in the list of the most beautiful male actors in the world in the 20th century, but in the ranking of the 100 greatest acts in history.
The actor has lived for 60 years, but has made an invaluable contribution to the history of world cinema, he, like other artists, during the Second world war gave concerts at the front.
Films with his participation have become classics: "Sergeant York," "Man of the West".
Incredibly popular jazz singer, working in the genres of pop, country.
Over the years he tried his hand at cinema, on his account more than 25 films and 15 music albums, his personal life was turbulent, as Dean married 3 times.
The actor, whom the world remembers the movies "East of Eden" and "Giant," died at a young age was involved in an automobile accident.
His quarry was short, but he starred in 6 films in 1995, the name Dean got a list of the sexiest actors in the world, interest in his life does not cease until now.
American film Director and actor, star of the film "Batman" became a sex symbol of the era.
The actor was married only once, but it already has 4 adult children, born to different women.
Active, optimistic and attractive man, who has gained worldwide popularity, starring in the film "From dusk till dawn" has received a number of awards "Oscar".
He, regardless of age, continues his career actively working with different creative directions!
Actor of the old school! Appearing in adventure films, he performed stunts.
He combined his acting career with a hobby, fascinated by drawing, sculpture, worked as a stuntman, differing masculine appearance.
Fatal film in the career of Jean became the motion picture "the last breath", but his filmography includes more than 50 roles.
Charming smile and charisma Jean made it a favorite actor of a generation, he was married twice and has 4 children.
Winner of the film "Cesar" since childhood, had poor health. He died at the age of 36, having to appear in many films, working in the theater.
His musical legacy has not been forgotten, because in France, is the birthplace of actor, an annual festival dedicated to Gerard.
The actor was called "the King of Hollywood", he was recognized as one of the great stars of the past century.
It was Clark who played the role of Butler in the American film "gone with the wind", which brought him international popularity.
Recognized as the greatest actor in history, was one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.
Carey starred in the film "Charade" with Audrey Hepburn, throughout his life he retained his own style and charm characteristic of the men of the last century.
Over the years, the actor took part in many theater productions.
His filmography consists of 58 films, including "King Lear", "Dracula". Lawrence has received 4 awards "Oscar"!
Oscar-winning American actor, Director, cultural activist became popular after the film "a Streetcar named Desire".
Marlon has been married 3 times and had relationships with women outside of marriage, with the result that he became the father of 8 children.
This basketball player has become a legend of the sport!
He is the recipient of many awards, has always advocated the promotion of baseball, from the sport he went in the early 2000s, taking up coaching.
Michael is recognized as one of the most popular actors of the last century.
He starred in more than 50 movie: "Kingsman: the Secret service", "the Illusion of deception", "the Prestige" and others. Was married 2 times, each marriage had 1 child.
Expressive and charismatic actor whose contagious smile won the hearts of many women, appeared in 78 films!
Befriended and collaborated with the Italian Director Fellini, becoming the star of his movies "Rome" and "Sweet life."
Charming American actor who became a star of the films "Mad Max" and "Braveheart, the Director who gave the world the military drama "For reasons of conscience."
Mel has a natural charisma and a real man's beauty, but in 2017, the press drew attention to the fact that the actor gained a bit of weight.
Montgomery began his career as a Broadway actor, getting into debt, agreed to the shooting of a movie.
Notably, for his role in the film "Now and forever", "the Nuremberg trials", the American actor was nominated for an Oscar, but never received the coveted statuette.
The actor, star of the film "the Last Emperor" 8 times was nominated for the award "Oscar", but the victory was not won.
Peter for 20 years, was married, he had 1 son and 2 daughters, the girls also became Actresses.
Actor, Director, great family man and a racing fan is Paul Newman!
The actor starred in the film "Fat man and little boy", "cool hand Luke", "road to perdition", he is the winner of several prestigious film awards. The actor was married to Joanne Woodward who, sacrificing his career, had married 3 beautiful daughters.
But the world knows him in the movie "1984", "the exorcist‑2", "Equus".
Richard was married 5 times, he was twice married with the brilliant Elizabeth Taylor, their love story is discussed in the press so far.
The star of the movie "Hachiko" and "Pretty woman" is considered the most beautiful male actor of the 20th century.
Richard was married 2 times, he professes Buddhism, today enjoys not only acting, but also photography.
He began acting in theatrical productions on Broadway, then he became a star in the movies ("Candidate", "Scam").
Robert worked as a Director for his film "Ordinary people", he received the prestigious award "Oscar".
Silent film star, actor, recognized as a sex symbol of that era.
Rudolph took part in the filming of the film "eagle", "the son of the Sheik", "the Young Rajah", having received the love of millions of fans. He died at the age of 31 due to undiagnosed perforated ulcer of the stomach, the memory of actor, still lives.
In Timothy fell in love with all the girls over 10 years old who were watching the show "Jane Eyre".
The actor played in the series the role of Edward Rochester, in his subsequent works he tried on the image of James bond ("the living daylights"), Rhett Butler ("Scarlett") and Heathcliff (Wuthering heights).
The actor originally from England, he became the star of a series of films about James bond that brought him international fame: "Dr. no," "From Russia with love" and 3 films in 1964-1967.
Today Shawn looks great, but little time to work in the movies.
Popular American actor known for films like "dick Tracy," "Bonnie and Clyde".
In the early 2000s, the most handsome Hollywood actor of the 20th century, retired from films to devote his life to his beloved family, but also to pay more attention to a political career.
The iconic singer, whose velvety voice and songs have influenced the development of the musical taste of a generation of Americans.
Frank spent time acting work, she appeared in 46 films, his composition "My Way", "New York, New York" and others are listening and use for commercials, films around the world.
Talented Humphrey was named the greatest actor.
This is not surprising, because he was the star of the movie "Casablanca", "the African Queen", "Key Largo", "High Sierra" and others. Humphrey in his youth he served in the Navy, was fond of playing chess.
The actor is the artist role in the movie "Ludwig", "twilight of the gods", TV series "Dynasty", "Fantomas".
Helmut received the special prize "Teddy", has starred in more than 30 films. Interestingly, the actor has a tendency to depression.
The legendary Elvis's career over the years, he starred in more than 30 films, has recorded around 700 songs.
At the age of 42 years Elvis died, but his singles "Blue Suede Shoes", "Return to sender", "Little less conversation" and others have become a part of world culture.
Keywords: History | Photo galleries | Celebrities | World | Men | 20th century | A handsome man
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