8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan

8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan

Categories: Art | Beauty | Nature | Photo project | Photo School | World

Today, we invite you to join us on an amazing journey to picturesque Vietnam. This experience is made possible by the photographer you might already remember from our previous post, where we featured his best work from all corners of the Earth. None other than Daniel Kordan, whose work always leaves us speechless, brings us this extraordinary series.

As mentioned before, Daniel has visited various places on our planet and captured the most remote locations. For this post, we decided to focus on his series ‘Vietnam from Above,’ which showcases the diverse and stunning landscapes of Southeast Asia.

Scroll down to explore all the vibrant colors of this unique place, and let us know if you’ve ever visited Vietnam. If so, what did you love the most about it?

More info: Instagram | danielkordan.com


8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


We wanted to learn more about this series of images, so we contacted the photographer and asked him some questions. First, Daniel shared with us how he sees the role of aerial photography in storytelling and capturing the essence of a place compared to traditional ground-level photography: “Aerial photography offers a unique perspective that ground-level photography cannot match. Aerial photography allowed me to capture the essence of the country in a way that showcases its natural beauty and complexity from a broader vantage point.”

8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


We were also wondering why the photographer decided to choose this specific technique when capturing Vietnam, and we found out: “The decision to use this technique was driven by my desire to highlight the stunning variety of Vietnam’s landscapes—from the terraced rice fields to the winding rivers and coastal stretches—offering viewers a fresh and captivating perspective. I even called my photo tour vibrant Vietnam because this country is so, so colorful!”

8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


The photographer told us more about the challenges he faced while taking aerial photographs in Vietnam: “Shooting aerial photographs in Vietnam came with its own set of challenges. Navigating through various regulations regarding drone usage in different regions required meticulous planning and adherence to local guidelines.

My amazing friend Tran Tuan Viet arranged all the necessary permits for our photo groups. Official regulations are strict but in fact, Vietnamese people are super friendly and curious. So just don't fly near people to avoid any accidents and always follow official rules.”

As expected, the other challenge Daniel mentioned was the weather, “quite often foggy or misty, with rain.” The photographer said: “Plan your seasonal photography carefully! The nice season is June with water on rice terraces or October for harvest.”

8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


As we already know, Vietnam has a variety of landscapes, from mountains to rice terraces to coastal areas. We were curious about which location was Daniel’s favorite to photograph. He told us: “Choosing a favorite location in Vietnam is difficult because each place has its unique charm. However, if I had to pick, the terraced rice fields in Mu Cang Chai were particularly captivating. The way the terraces cascade down the mountains, creating a stunning mosaic of green and gold during the harvest season, is truly mesmerizing. The harmony between the natural landscape and human cultivation is beautifully exemplified here, making it a perfect subject for aerial photography.

Hue or Hoi An are a must!”

8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


8 Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Vietnamese Landscape By Daniel Kordan


Keywords: Stunning photos | Aerial photos | Vietnamese landscape | Landscape photography | Beauty of nature | Photo projects

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