The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

Categories: Conflict | History | Nations | North America

In the late nineteenth century on the border of the States of West Virginia and Kentucky between the two families of farmers there was a conflict that lasted 12 years. The result of the confrontation – 11 killed in shootings, seven life prison terms and one hanged. War of the Hatfields and the McCoys has become a part of US folklore and represents the implacable hostility of their neighbors.

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

Right on the border of the U.S. States of West Virginia and Kentucky two centuries in the world lived the family of the Hatfields and McCoys. Each race was 50 strong, and most importantly the armed men, ready at the slightest little thing to put guns and revolvers in the case. The head of the clan of the Hatfields harsh William Hatfield for the dangerous nature called "Devil Enns". Under his management, the family farmed and produced moonshine in the forests of Virginia.

On the lands of "the Devil Enns," in Kentucky, lived the McCoys under the direction of "Old Renly". The family was engaged in logging and was richer than their future opponents. Renly never parted with revolvers and the Bible, that did not prevent him from illegally producing and selling moonshine. The cat between the families ran up during the Civil war. "Old Renly" made for the North, and "Devil Anse" supported the South.

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

William Anderson Hatfield, "Devil Anse" and Randolph McCoy, "the old Man of Renly"

When one of the McCoys – As Harmon returned home from the Union army, he was shot unknown. Suspicions fell on the neighbors, who a few weeks before that witnesses were threatened to the victim. To prove the guilt of the Hatfields judge Billy Staton could not and the matter was hushed up.

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

Two years later, a few guys McCoys provoked a fight with the referee and killed him. The conflict occurred on the territory of Kentucky, where "Old Renly" was a powerful man, so the court acquitted the murderers, who supposedly defended from attack.

In 1878, the cold war turned into the hot phase. Cousin "of the Devil ENSA" – Floyd Hatfield and "Old Renly" had an argument over a pig. Neighbors accused each other of stealing the animal. The case went to court, which sided with Floyd. Simultaneously, it was found that 16-year-old Roseanna McCoy became pregnant by John Hatfield, son of the head of the hated family.

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

"Devil Anse" (second from left) with his brothers

The girl went to her beloved, but women's happiness in the family of your enemies. Rosanna returned to the father, and the McCoys decided to teach neighbors. They arrested John for the illegal sale of moonshine, but the Hatfields on horseback rode into Kentucky, attacked McCoy and tipped the guy. Victims narrowly escaped. Although the first dead began to emerge after just four years.

In 1882, during a brawl at the local saloon three McCoy struck 26 stab wounds to the Edison Hatfield. The murderers were arrested, but "Devil Anse" demanded blood. At the head of the relatives he attacked a convoy carrying McCoys in jail in a nearby state. All three ENS ordered to tie to trees and shot. Later it turned out that each was executed in 50 hits, and shot them, even the children.

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

"Devil Anse" Hatfield (second from left) with his wife and children

A few months in a shootout killed another McCoy. Since the murder occurred in the territory of Virginia, where all judges were relatives of the Hatfields, then the perpetrators are not punished. Both sides began a brutal vendetta. They ambush the neighbors, and a firefight began for locals the norm.

New year's eve 1888, the Hatfields surrounded and attacked the house of "Old Renly". During the shooting, the head of the McCoy clan survived, but his wife was crippled, and two young children were killed. A few days armed McCoys counterattack and kill two of the Hatfields. It came to the fact that the States of Kentucky and West Virginia threatened each other to use the troops to catch the killers.

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

Mount Allison Hatfield, who participated in the attack on the McCoy home. Accused of child murder and hanged

Brewing a civil war and intervened in the situation of the Central government, which became to the side of the McCoys. Eight Hatfields were arrested, seven received life sentences, and the killer of children "of the old Man, Renli" Allison mount hanged. The patriarchs of the clans of the court escaped and both died at an advanced age.

Today, both families make the production of corn moonshine "Drink of the Devil" and themed tours, which talk about the past enmity. World history became known thanks to the mini-series "the Hatfields and the McCoys", a film based History channel in 2012.

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

A memorial wall in the town of Matewan, which depicts the families of Hatfield and McCoy and controversial pig

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig

Show-restaurant opened by the families of Hatfield and McCoy

In 2003, descendants of the Hatfields and McCoys signed a symbolic peace Treaty. The procedure for reconciliation of the local TV channels broadcast live.

Keywords: Cowboys | Revenge | USA | Murder | Farmers

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