The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Categories: Culture | World

In the world there are things or places that have seen all, for example, the world's attractions. Someone looked at them in life, and the other in the movies or on the Network. But few have seen them with an unusual angle. Have you ever seen anything inside the leaning tower of Pisa or the back of the painting "Mona Lisa"? If not, then let's see it.

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Mount Rushmore

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The view from the top

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The back side of the painting "Mona Lisa"

And this hall, which is the great painting of Leonardo da Vinci

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The Statue Of Liberty

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Views of new York "through the eyes of the statue of Liberty"

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Sydney Opera house

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Frog, view from below

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Inside the leaning tower of Pisa

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The back side of the gold mask of Tutankhamun

Inside the cab of the truck

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Everest from Tibet. Base camp is 8 km from the mountains

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Statue of David, rear view

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Star selfies from the ceremony "Oscar-2014"

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The famous scene with Marilyn Monroe from "seven year Itch" (1955)

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Eiffel tower, view from below

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The Pyramids Of GizaThe familiar world shown with an unusual angle

Water lilies, view from below

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

The HOLLYWOOD sign on the reverse side

The familiar world shown with an unusual angle

What astronauts see when they return to the Earth's atmosphere

Keywords: Attractions | View | The facts

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