The phenomenon of the Russian hand-to-hand combat, or 70 wins front-line scout Konyaeva
Categories: History
By Pictolic during the Napoleonic wars Russian hand to hand combat to induce the enemy of horror. But over time, the technique was refined, improved and brought to a particular system, which made it to the middle of XX century is much more effective. Due to this, there were such incredible soldiers as Soviet spy Victor Konyaev, which account for 70 defeated in the battle of the Nazis.
Victor Konyaev, like many of his peers, went to the front early age, attributing a year. In August 1942, the front was especially in need of new fighters and strong 17-year-old boy, but still with the icon "Voroshilov sharpshooter", in the military Commissariat were happy.
The young soldier Konyaeva first attributed to the machine-gun company. Just six months later, in January 1943, in the battle for the Caucasus Victor received his first wound. Fortunately, it was not heavy and just a month later, the horse soldier again came to his side.
But arrived from the hospital the soldier was in for a surprise. It did not return to the gunners, and was sent to 248-th separate reconnaissance company of the 302 infantry division, which later became known as Tarnopolsky. This division Victor is no longer part and in its structure throughout the war.
His first operation as a scout Victor held in his homeland in North Ossetia. Then, in the part of the 1st and 4th Ukrainian fronts fighter liberated Ukraine and Poland, and the Victory found him in the outskirts of Prague.
From the front the scouts have their own special specifics of warfare. Unlike conventional fighter, the scout seeks to strike a well-aimed fire, or stun with a swift attack. The scout needs to operate quietly, so his main weapon — the bayonet and bare hands.
Victor Konyaev as a virtuoso with a knife and his body, which became his main weapon in the war. He wasn't afraid to penetrate deeply into the enemy position, and there to join the melee, despite the considerable numerical superiority.September 6, 1943, near the village of Kiselevka in the Donbass, Konyaev teammates entered the German trench and killed three enemy soldiers. In the same September, but already the 25th of the month the Victor himself was able to suppress the enemy firing points, hindering the attack. For this feat he received the order of the red Star.
In 1943, at the front, killed the elder brother Victor, Alexander. After this loss, the scout has become more ruthless to the enemy and immediately killed those who did not represent interest from the point of view of providing important information, as well as soldiers of some specific specialties.
Once again, the scout proved 1 April 1944 at Tarnopol. Once you get into the trench of the Germans, Victor single-handedly killed three soldiers of the Wehrmacht to seize important documents. One more enemy he managed to capture and bring into our trenches. For this courageous act Konyaeva awarded the order of Glory 3rd degree.
In may 1944, near the station of Denisov in the South-West of Poland, Konyaev came to the front edge of the German defense and single-handedly attacked the enemy. He was confronted by two sentries, one of whom Victor killed and the other captured. Only the war horse alone captured 11 officers and soldiers of the enemy army and that's not counting his work in the groups.
A clever and ruthless spy, quickly became a war celebrity. It is said that when Konyaeva wounded in his field hospital did not cease for a minute — it was important to know how the hero feels. In 1944, the very young, but already famous for his deeds a soldier was appointed commander of the intelligence branch.Was Victor Konyaev and a chance to become a Hero of the Soviet Union. 18 August 1944 in Poland, on the banks of the San river, his regiment was in a difficult situation. About the enemy hiding in a wooded area, almost nothing was known, and any attempt to move forward immediately suppressed the German machine gunners, entrenched securely in inconspicuous places.
Of all the groups of scouts who tried to take "language", lucky only Kanaeva and his comrades. But even the best scout front, success came at a heavy price — Victor was once again wounded. Information obtained from German prisoners of war was very useful and contributed to the rapid advance of the troops forward.
For it on 26 August 1944, the division commander Colonel Nikolay Kucherenko signed representation about awarding of the Victor Konyaev star of Hero of the Soviet Union. In the document the commander wrote about his fighter following:
Despite the merits of Viktor to the country and the excellent response from the commander, the superiors decided to limit the next order and the star of the Hero scout and have not received. Sergeant Viktor Mikhailovich Konyaev, which account for 70 personal documented combat victories in the melee, was the war to end.
Having met the Day of Victory near Prague, Konyaev hurried home to his native Vladikavkaz to benefit the country in peacetime. Before retirement, the hero worked at the metallurgical plant. He was awarded the title of honorary citizen of his native town and died in 2016.
Keywords: The battle of the Great Patriotic war | Hero of the Germans | Order | Poland | The scout | The Nazis | The front
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