The diet of the strongest man in the world

The diet of the strongest man in the world

Categories: Cinema | Food and Drinks | Habit | Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | People | Society | Sport | Water | World

He is known to us from the TV series "Game of Thrones" and fans know him as Ser Grigor Clegane or "Horus". But actor Haftor Björnsson is also one of the most powerful people on the planet.

As the Icelandic actor and strongman prepares for a powerlifting competition, he follows a special diet, which he shared on his Facebook page.


The diet of the strongest man in the world

1. The day starts at 6:50 am. Morning 30-minute cardio workout. Of course not complete without sports nutrition. BCAA, glutamine, and a handful of almonds.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

2.7.30 a.m. 8 eggs + 200 gr. oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries and avocado.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

3.9.30 a.m. 400 gr. beef, 400 grams of sweet potatoes, and spinach.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

4.11.50 am Another BCAA intake.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

5. Noon. 400 gr. chicken + 400 gr. potatoes, herbs and fruits.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

6.2 p.m. 150 gr. oatmeal or sweet potatoes, two bananas, rice, frozen berries, a handful of almonds, peanut butter, and glutamine.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

7. 2.30 - training and taking BCAA and sports cocktail.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

8.5.30. 60 gr. protein and two bananas.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

9.6 p.m. 500 gr. beef and potatoes with herbs.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

10.8.30 p.m. 500 gr. salmon + 500 gr. sweet potatoes.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

11.10.30 pm 50 gr. casein or 6 eggs + avocado + 30 gr. almonds + 50 gr. peanut butter.

The diet of the strongest man in the world

12. “Gora” also drinks a lot of water throughout the day, as well as juices.

Keywords: People | Strength | Cinema | Actor | Movie | Sport | Sportsmen | World | Power | Strongest | Diet | Food

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