The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Categories: Culture | Nations | World

Talented artist James Chapman from Manchester draws amazingly and is fond of learning different languages. He managed to combine these two qualities together and published several popular books, such as "How to sneeze in Japanese" and "The World of Wisdom. Illustrated expressions and proverbs from around the world". In them, he managed to depict how people in different countries hear the sounds of kissing, animals and human snoring.

And today we will present to your attention proverbs in different languages of the world, which he also depicted on paper.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Leave It to Batman / Filipino Wisdom

That is, do not take on problems that you are not able to solve.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf / Russian Proverb

There is nothing to explain here

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Hunger is the best sauce / Ancient Roman proverb

Any food tastes better if you're hungry.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

An empty stomach has no ears / French proverb

Meaning: Hunger prevents you from focusing on business.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

The frog in the well does not know about the big sea / Japanese proverb

Meaning: A person sitting in one place will never know all the possibilities of life.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Elephants fight, and grass suffers / Kenyan proverb

Meaning: When the powerful of this world are fighting, the common people suffer.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

The slippery earth doesn't care about the king / Kenyan proverb

Meaning: Even the most powerful person is not able to change some situations.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

The world flood does not bother the duck / Turkish proverb

Meaning: Not all people suffer from the problem that has arisen.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

A cat in mittens will not be able to catch mice / Gaelic proverb

Meaning: Excessive politeness and caution sometimes gets in the way.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Pillow is the best adviser / Swedish Proverb

The analogue of our "Morning of the evening is more sophisticated".

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Poke in the eye of someone who lives in the past / Finnish proverb

Meaning: Life passes here and now, appreciate every day.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

You can't marry a fox and a chicken / French proverb

Of course, you can't.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

A kind word and the cat is pleased

Meaning: Don't forget to encourage and praise the people around you.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Don't teach the father of children to do / Polish Proverb

Meaning: An experienced person is more knowledgeable.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

A hungry bear will not dance / Greek proverb

Meaning: In order to get a good result, you need to encourage the employee.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Even a hare dreams of the moon / Thai proverb

Meaning: Despite the possibility that dreams are impossible, everyone has them.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Don't ride on an elephant's back if you want to catch a cricket / Thai Proverb

Meaning: It is necessary to choose the appropriate methods for the implementation of plans.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Who does not know how to dance - complains about the crooked floor / Arabic proverb

Meaning: If a person does not cope with the task, he begins to look for excuses.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

It's better to blow longer than to get burned / Dutch proverb

Meaning: Don't be in a hurry!

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Plants will not get taller if they are pulled up / Chinese Proverb

Meaning: Don't rush things. There is a time for everything.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Even a sunbeam looks into a mouse hole / Korean proverb

Meaning: Do not despair. In any difficult situation, you can find your positive side.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

The eagle is not paid for the war with frogs / An Italian proverb

Meaning: Everyone should know their place and strengths.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

Dance alone and you can bounce as you please / Greek proverb

Meaning: When you are your own boss, you have the right to make decisions and set rules.

The artist made funny cartoons of proverbs from all over the world, and that's what came out of it

With money and a dog will dance / Mexican proverb

It describes incredible opportunities with the availability of money.

Keywords: Illustrations | Cartoons | Proverb | Artist

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