The 10 most dangerous bacteria

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

Categories: Animals | Health and Medicine | Science | World

Bacteria can be both useful and deadly. Scientists believe that by 2050, the death rate of bacteria may exceed the number of victims of cancer. Let's talk about the top ten most dangerous of them.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

This bacterium causes botulism — a serious disease that affects the human nervous system.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

Patients with botulism die, usually from paralysis of respiratory muscles and subsequent hypoxia. It is believed that a teaspoon botulina enough to destroy the population of the United States. But 4 kg will be enough for the extermination of all the inhabitants of the planet.

Escherichia coli, or E. coli — species of rod-shaped bacteria, harmless strains of which are often found in humans and animals.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

But there are about 100 pathogenic serotypes responsible for hundreds of thousands deaths worldwide annually. To minimize the risk of development of intestinal infections is to follow a few rules: avoid contact with dirty water, pay close attention to the cooking of meat dishes, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits.

This kind of provokes Salmonella typhoid fever, the symptoms of which is fever, severe abdominal pain, migraine and General condition of weakness.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

However some people are asymptomatic carriers of the disease. The famous Typhoid Mary in the course of his life has infected 53 people, many of whom died. The woman died from pneumonia at the age of 69 years.

Vibrio cholerae cause a deadly and painful cholera. It is highly contagious gastrointestinal disease is easiest to catch through contaminated water.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

The disease manifests the symptoms of chronic diarrhea, leads to dehydration, vomiting, spasm of the muscles. Significant loss of water and salts in the body is fatal: if a person is infected by cholera, and the treatment is missing, the probability of death equal to 50%.

Clostridium tetani or tetanus Bacillus. This bacterium lives in the airless environment, and in other conditions it forms protective spores.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

In deep wounds wand is developing very actively, so exactly what happens infection with tetanus. The result of the tetanus toxin affects the nervous system, causing a long and painful convulsions. The person experiences fear and pain throughout the body. Difficulty in opening the mouth leads to starvation and dehydration. Mortality from tetanus, even when the treatment ranges from 40 to 70%.

Aspergillus fumigatus is the species of fungi, which is a pathogen for the human body. Aspergillus spores we breathe in every day, but aspergillosis usually develops in people with weakened immune systems.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

At risk patients who: suffer from asthma and immunodeficiency, has undergone chemotherapy or organ transplants. Aspergillus affects the internal organs, causing fever, shock, respiratory failure, cough with hemoptysis.

Staphylococcus is a large bacterial genus comprising a large number of species. Staphylococcus aureus, or Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most pathogenic of them.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

Staphylococcus aureus can cause pneumonia, meningitis, toxic shock, sepsis and other very unpleasant diseases. At first, the doctors used penicillin to fight this bacteria. But over time, mutations have led to most strains of resistance, and antibiotics have almost lost their effectiveness. Staphylococcus aureus is a problem of developed countries and actively thriving in medical institutions.

Treponema pallidum or Treponema pallidum — the bacterium that causes syphilis. Once the disease was difficult to diagnose: it was called "the great imitator".

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

In our day, syphilis is fairly easy to cure the first and second stages but the tertiary stage is still deadly. During this period, irreversible changes in the body: developing blindness, deafness, paralysis, mental disorders and hallucinations.

Syphilis "interesting" change for the human psyche: rage alternate with moments of euphoria and depression can rapidly lead to creative insight. Some researchers believe that the tertiary syphilis suffered Hitler, van Gogh, and Oscar Wilde.

This is another bacterium responsible for many cases of pneumonia, meningitis, abscess and other diseases.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

When infected, the patient may die within 10 hours, and the mortality rate overall is about 30%. Among the initial symptoms of shock syndrome — fever and pain in the body, then there is swelling of the limbs with subsequent tissue necrosis.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or tubercle Bacillus — the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. The mortality rate is extremely high, even in our days: this disease is among the ten leading causes of human death.

The 10 most dangerous bacteria

About a quarter of the world's population has latent tuberculosis. This means that the disease can manifest itself at any time, the immunity only "give slack".

In Russia, tuberculosis kills about 20 000 lives annually. The main reason such a scale that the tubercle Bacillus is easily transmitted by airborne droplets. For the prevention of tuberculosis doctors advise chest x-ray examination at least once a year.

Keywords: Bacteria | Micro photos | Danger top 10

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