Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Categories: Nations

Masturbation is something that everyone has done at least once in their life. And don't pretend you don't. In every country, this activity is called differently, and everywhere there are absolutely hilarious phrases that in a veiled form denote masturbation. Waxing salami, shaking hands with the president, milking a cow — all these phrases are about it. Quite original, isn't it?

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

Terribly funny phrases in different languages denoting masturbation

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