Ten Great "Twos"

Ten Great "Twos"

Categories: Celebrities | Science

Is the child doing poorly at school? This is not a reason to consider him a complete loser and look anxiously into the future. Not all geniuses could boast of school success. Quite the opposite.

Ten Great "Twos"

Ten Great "Twos"

1. The father of the great Voltaire wanted his son to become a lawyer, and for some reason he sent him to a Jesuit college, where the future genius was taught "Latin and all sorts of nonsense." The young Voltaire studied so-so, and his legal career did not attract him. A disappointed father once said of him and his brother: "I raised two fools. One is a fool in prose, the other in verse."

Ten Great "Twos"

2. Isaac Newton studied poorly at school for quite a long time. He came to his senses only when he was beaten by a classmate. Being a sickly and weak child, he decided to prove what he was capable of by getting ahead in his studies, and surprised the teachers with his extraordinary abilities.

Ten Great "Twos"

3. Otto von Bismarck studied very average at school. Having entered the Georg August University in Göttingen, the future German Chancellor preferred to study entertainment with his comrades — in short, he behaved like a typical golden youth of that time and even took part in 27 duels.

Ten Great "Twos"

4. Of all the school subjects, only mathematics was well given to Napoleon.

Ten Great "Twos"

5. Ludwig van Beethoven wrote with mistakes all his life, but he never mastered arithmetic at school.

Ten Great "Twos"

6. The parents of the creator of the theory of relativity Albert Einstein, who was also not an excellent student, told friends that they had no illusions about his future and hoped only that Albert would be able to get some simple job.

Ten Great "Twos"

7. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin literally cried in arithmetic lessons, and at the end of his studies at the lyceum he was the second from the end.

Ten Great "Twos"

8. Vladimir Mayakovsky had no interest in literature at school and could not even finish reading Anna Karenina.

Ten Great "Twos"

9. At school, the great Soviet designer Sergei Korolev received grades above three very rarely.

Ten Great "Twos"

10. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov once stayed in the gymnasium for the second year. But the story "Letter to a learned neighbor" he published in the magazine "Dragonfly", studying in the first year of university.

Keywords: Geniuses | Success | Study | Scientists | School

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