Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Categories: Asia | Children

The existence of the tiny state of Brunei, located on the island of Borneo in the Malay archipelago, hardly anyone knew, if not for the fantastic wealth of its Sultan. Thanks to oil reserves, the Sultanate is one of the richest countries in the world and the family of his monarch, which owns almost all the resources of their land, in what does not deny. The Sultan's son, 29-year-old Prince Abdul Matin (Abdul Mateen), is a way of life, which is a dream of millions, he can afford the coolest hobby and a fantastic holiday without worrying about expenses.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Prince Abdul Matin was born on 10 August 1991 in the family of the Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah. The mother of the Prince — Mariam Abdul Aziz was the second wife of the monarch, but when Abdul was 12 years old, the Sultan divorced her. But that guy has not ceased to be a Prince and his life is, as befits the life of the son of the Sultan.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Abdul Matin — the 10th in a row child in the family of his Royal father and his four brothers and seven sisters from different mothers. The state of the Hassanal Bolkiah at a conservative estimate is $ 20 billion, so luxury living around the Royal family.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Expensive cars, luxury yachts, luxury villas and private jets — all this in abundance in the life of Abdul, but the guy is difficult to call a spoiled frat boy and the major. The Prince is an interesting, multi-faceted personality, rich life where you can be the envy of even the more financially successful of the Arab sheikhs.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

In addition, the young person has regular cats, dogs, own a stable with thoroughbred horses and even a pony, so, for the soul.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Prince is travelling a lot at the same time, judging by the photos in instagram, prefers warmer climes and cruises. Often especially Abdul makes publishing from the decks of the yachts that sail the Mediterranean sea and the beaches of the French Riviera.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Sometimes the young man is resting well and at home, for example, swimming in the sea on horseback — the good sea in his tiny country produces.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Not alien Matino and extreme — sometimes it brings in the wild mountains, to the ocean floor and even in the wilderness, which he wins at the wheel of an expensive SUV or riding a Quad bike.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

There are special days when Abdul decides to tickle nerves and jumps off the cliff with bungee jumpers.

Hobbies Abdul Matin holds a special place sport. The Prince fervently rooting for the football club "Manchester United" and believes his football idol David Beckham. He is also not averse to drive a ball on the lawn and even plays in an Amateur football team.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

In addition, Abdul spend much time playing Polo — true Royal game that loves his family. Often the company he is sister. The question is, at what he likes Polo, Matin says simply:

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

For several years Martin defends the honor of his country in the national team in equestrian Polo at the Southeast Asian games, held in Malaysia.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

In the field of sports interests of the young Prince also consist of car racing, athletics and Thai Boxing. Abdul plays in the Golf game these aristocrats.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

From time to time, as befits a good son, Matin plays sports with his father — they are the tandem to compete in rowing.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

The Prince keeps himself in great shape and says he trained himself to it in the army. Abdul Matin is not one of those sissies who wear the court and over which carry umbrellas. It has a well-deserved rank of Lieutenant and managed to learn what real hardships during his studies at the Royal military Academy Sandhurst in the UK.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Academy Prince graduated in 2011 and still believes that the years of studying at the elite military school — it was the greatest days in his life. According to Matina, Sandhurst did not give concessions to anyone. I must say that Abdul has expressed a desire to study in the Academy at 18 and was the youngest in her year.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

In one interview the guy said that once he was forced, along with other cadets three days to dig trenches in the rocky ground, not giving to sleep.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

According to him, any attempt to doze off, suppressed a rude shout and a kick — so the officers showed his players what the real physical and nervous exhaustion.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

But the military education is not all that can boast of Abdul Matin. After Sandhurst, he received a civil education, graduating from the London school of Oriental and African studies. The Prince defended the diploma of master of arts and can safely call myself an expert in modern painting and sculpture.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

The life of a young Prince may seem carefree, but it is not so. Abdul Matin acting representative of the head of state, that is, works as an assistant to his father. It not only accompanies the Sultan to foreign travel, but he prepares reports and performs with them on behalf of their country.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

For example, at the meeting of heads of government of Commonwealth countries in Malta in 2015 Abdul Matin presented a report on international terrorism.

Super-rich Brunei's Prince Abdul mateen and his Royal Hobbies

Yet Abdul Matin is a little secret — he, like many of us, loves fast food, although it may afford the most exquisite dishes of the world.

Keywords: Wealth | Brunei | Prince | Luxury | Sultan

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