Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

Categories: Children | Positive | World

This 12-year-old student has a very unusual hobby that is more suitable for grandmothers: Jonah Larson learned to crochet at the age of five. Now the boy just loves this activity! And look at the results he achieved: 234 thousand subscribers on Instagram, about 62 thousand subscribers on YouTube, a contract for the publication of a book. And his knitted products are in great demand.

Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

The boy was born in Ethiopia and was adopted by a wonderful family from Wisconsin. At the age of 5, he discovered knitting and, after watching several video tutorials on YouTube, mastered this type of needlework.

Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

Jonah learned to knit very quickly and soon began knitting mittens, blankets and tablecloths.

It turned out he had a talent for knitting. I started with simple things, and then moved on to more complex ones.

Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

Foster mom Jennifer helped Jonah start her own business selling knitwear — Jonah's Hands ("Jonah's Hands"). They found out about it on the Internet — and orders poured in one after another.

Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

Thousands of people wanted to buy jobs from Jonah. He is not even able to fulfill all orders and many have to be refused.Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

A talented boy is called a child prodigy and a knitting genius, many people ask to teach them to knit the same way.

Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

Jonah is currently working on her own book about crocheting. It will be called Hello, Crochet Friends! ("Hello, friends of the Hook!").Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

The guy is undoubtedly gifted: he was even transferred to school one grade higher because he passed the IQ test very well.

Success story: thousands of people watch an orphan from Ethiopia knitting

In addition, Jonah does good deeds: he does not forget about his native Ethiopia, sends his own things there and collects money to help Ethiopian children.

For the future at The Johns have big plans. He studies diligently and hopes to become a surgeon someday.

Keywords: Knitting | Unusual | Child | Hobby

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