Space Level in Luxury

Space Level in Luxury

Categories: News | Positive | Space | World

Space tourism is becoming more and more common, companies are not only designing journeys that will take people to and from space, but are also working to add luxury to it. The latest project announced by the space tourism company Space Perspective is a great example of this. This project, which will be the "world's" first space lounge, will take place inside the Spaceship Neptune spacecraft, which was announced two years ago.

Space Level in Luxury

Space Level in Luxury

Yüksek performanslı, dev bir hava balona bağlanmış, basınçlı bir kabinin içinde, stratosferde süzülmenin keyfini çıkaracak sekiz yolcu, bunu arkaya yatabilen konforlu koltuklarda oturup, kokteyl bardan aldıkları içeceklerini yudumlayarak yapacak! Kabin ayrıca, yolcularının nefes kesen uzay manzaralarını panoramik bir biçimde izleyebilecekleri şekilde tasarlanmış. Neptune Space Lounge’da yer alacak 1,5 metre yüksekliğindeki pencereler, Space Perspective’in dediğine göre şu ana dek uzaya çıkacak en geniş pencereler olacak ve bu da yolcuların kendilerini uzay boşluğuyla neredeyse bütünleşmiş gibi hissetmelerini sağlayacak. Ayrıca pencerelerdeki yansımaları ve yeryüzünün 30,5 km yukarısında gerçekleşecek parlak ışıkların etkisini azaltıp uzay seyri keyfini maksimuma çıkarmak için içeride koyu ve yumuşak mavi tonlarından oluşan bir renk paleti ile RBG ışıklandırmalar kullanılmış.

Space Level in Luxury

Space Level in Luxury

In this six-hour flight, the seats in the cabin can be placed in different ways for different purposes, such as a private dinner for two or a small party. The center of the cabin is left empty so that passengers can take group photos. The bar area in the cabin is also equipped with many windows.

Space Level in LuxuryAnother remarkable feature in the decoration of Neptune Space Lounge is that some items such as informative head-up displays are high-tech devices expected from a spacecraft; but besides that, there are also extremely earthy details such as floor lamps and various aromatic plants such as lavender, basil, rosemary. The use of these herbs in cocktails prepared at the bar is another nice detail.

Space Level in Luxury

Space Perspective's six-hour spaceflight is scheduled to begin in late 2024. The tickets for the first year of flights, which will take off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and cost 125,000 dollars per person, are already sold out!

Keywords: Explore | Neptune Space Lounge | Space Perspective | Technology | Space travel | Space tourism

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