Star wars in real life

Star wars in real life

Categories: Photo project

Free on SuperCool clients like BMW, the photographer Thomas Dagg from Toronto does what remakes the world around in a fantastic location. He takes the usual "boring" shots and turns them into surreal, where you see the characters and objects from the famous Saga "Star wars." The result is images, full creepy realistic imagination, which makes you wonder: "what if...?"

(17 photos)

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Star wars in real life

1. "The inspiration was with me always," says Thomas dagg.thank you.

Star wars in real life

2. "As a child I had an overactive imagination."

Star wars in real life

3. "That's what I saw when looking at the world."

Star wars in real life

4. "If you ran past athlete, I immediately recalled the training of Luke Skywalker".

Star wars in real life

5. "To create the composition I also use a lot of toys and valuable items to your collection."

Star wars in real life

6. "This is largely a tribute to my childhood, and not just a combination of pop culture and photographs".

Star wars in real life

7. "It's so funny to look back".

Star wars in real life

8. "I used to draw ships and things in the pictures, but now I can work on your children's masterpieces seriously."

Star wars in real life

9. "It's only been two years since the inception of this concept, and I am glad to introduce it to you."

Star wars in real life


Star wars in real life


Star wars in real life


Star wars in real life


Star wars in real life


Star wars in real life


Star wars in real life


Star wars in real life


Keywords: Life | Star wars | Surrealism | Fantasy

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