Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Categories: History

During the Cold War race, countries did not choose the means. The American and Soviet governments have launched some really strange experiments, some of which are quite worthy of being called insane. A spy cat, a plan to blow up the Moon, a psychic attack on the enemy — just some of the currently declassified projects of that time. 

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Ocean reverse

Most people connect the Cold War period and the steady build-up of nuclear weapons. But some projects were much more ambitious. For example, they seriously planned to melt the entire Arctic. 

According to the engineers, the giant dam was supposed to block the space from Russia to Alaska, blocking the flow of the Pacific Ocean. Such a dam could redirect the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic, allowing warm salt water to melt the Arctic ice.

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Operation Talking Cat»

US specialists did not suffer from a lack of original ideas. One of the weirdest was Operation Acoustic Kitty. The CIA decided to insert a microphone into the cat's ear and surgically implant a radio transmitter in the body. Said — done: a properly treated cat appeared at several meetings. 

The animal was trained to sit next to foreign officials so that CIA officers could listen in on their conversations. Maybe the project would have made sense, but one of the intelligence officers accidentally let the cat out into the street, where it immediately got hit by a car.

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Flying saucers

The growing tension between the two powers was literally driving people crazy. A nuclear attack seemed inevitable. Many Americans began to see unusual flying saucers in the sky: the number of reports was so high that the US government simply could not ignore them anymore. The Air Force had to create a special unit to investigate. 

The military feared that the UFOs belonged to Russian spies. Does the enemy have it? So, we need this too! In 1956, the United States developed a flying saucer, which turned out to be a complete failure. The prototype could not rise above 20 meters in the air and moved at a speed of 60 km/h.

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Horizon Project

The moon worried both powers, but the US was obsessed. The Horizon project meant the construction of a full-fledged space station on a satellite: the Americans decided to privatize it.

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Project A119

We were in the space race-until the moment the Americans landed on the moon. Few people know that this was the backup plan of the Western foes. The first was the idea to blow up the satellite to such a mother completely. Fortunately, the A119 project was considered even more expensive than landing astronauts.

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

Radiation exposure

The US Atomic Energy Commission is also guilty of conducting cruel experiments on humans. One of the tribes of Venezuela was exposed to radiation for many years, until the death toll exceeded several thousand. This inhumane research did not bring any visible results.

Spy Cat and the Moon Explosion: The secret plans of the Cold War

The Stargate

In 1978, the Americans began another strange operation. This time, the special services decided to use the superhuman potential. Apparently, something they did, after all, turned out: declassified documents show the work of 22 specialists-psychics for as long as 20 years. In total, more than $ 30 million was spent.

Keywords: USA | War | History | USSR | Experiment | 50s | Cold War | Madness

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