13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Categories: History | World

No matter how long a person lives in the world and no matter how much new knowledge he receives, there will always be something unknown. And that's great. Because what else will life be happy about if you learn absolutely everything about it?

We present a new collection of facts that seem so simple and at the same time incredible that it is difficult to believe in their authenticity. 

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Cold water can be distinguished from hot water by the sound when it flows from the tap

The viscosity of the water decreases as the temperature increases, which is why you will hear the difference between hot and cold. In the video, you can listen.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Sharks existed before trees

The earliest shark fossils discovered are 420 million years old. The first trees appeared on Earth in the Devonian period, which began 419 million years ago and ended 358 million years ago.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Pottery came before people with blue eyes

In a 2008 study, a team at the University of Copenhagen traced the blue eye gene back to a common ancestor that most likely lived about 10,000 years ago. And the age of the shards found in China, which indicate the existence of pottery, is 20 thousand years.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Charlie Chaplin and rapper 50 Cent lived at the same time

Although they are representatives of completely different eras and cultures, Chaplin still lived with the rapper at the same time — the famous actor died on December 25, 1977, when Curtis Jackson was two and a half years old.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Cumulus clouds can weigh more than one million pounds (454 tons)

The average cloud volume of about one cubic kilometer weighs about 1.1 million pounds (458 tons).

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

The United Kingdom is slightly smaller than the US state of Michigan

The area of Great Britain is 242,495 square kilometers, including land and water areas. And the area of the state of Michigan, including the land and water area, is 250,493 square kilometers. However, if we consider only land, the UK is larger than the US state by 93 thousand square kilometers.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

All peacocks are male

There is no such thing as a female peacock in nature. Because they are called "pava".

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Every year, cows kill more people than sharks

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that over a five-year period, 21 incidents involving cows occurred in four states, resulting in the death of a person. That's about four deaths a year. While shark attacks kill an average of one person a year.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

The 2% margin of error that the Chinese government aims for in the census is larger than the population of the whole of Australia

The population of China in 2016 was 1.378 billion people. Therefore, 2% of this figure (27.57 million people) exceeds the population of Australia-just over 24 million.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

The first people to measure Mount Everest added a couple of feet so that the figure didn't seem made up

The team that was the first to measure the height of the Everest peak found that it is equal to 29 thousand feet exactly (8839 m). Thinking that they would not be believed because of the even number, the team added two feet to make it sound more plausible (8840 m). However, since then, new methods of measuring mountain peaks have shown that the exact height of Mount Everest is 29,035 feet (8848 m).

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

A quarter of the bones in the human body are in the legs

The human leg consists of 28 bones, and the two legs have 56 bones. It turns out a little more than 27% of the total number of bones in the human body — 206.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

Lighters were invented before matches

The Debereiner flint was invented by Johann Wolfgang Debereiner in 1824 and is considered the first full-fledged and relatively safe lighter. The matches we know today were invented in 1827.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

When the Krakatoa volcano erupted in 1883, the sound was so strong that it could be heard at a distance of 500 kilometers

This eruption of Krakatoa is considered one of the deadliest and most destructive in history: at least 36,417 people died as a result of the eruption itself and the resulting tsunami.

13 facts that sound so incredible that they seem like a form of fraud

The world's population has doubled in just the last 50 years

In 1960, the world's population was about three billion people. At the time of 2010, this number reached the seven billion mark.

Keywords: History | World | Facts | Truth | Unbelievable

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