
11 photos that make you realize how amazingly small our Earth is


11 photos that make you realize how amazingly small our Earth is

The earth seems huge to us, and we ourselves, living on it, feel tiny. But do any of us often wonder how small our home planet is ...

From the void: the most mysterious and inaccessible places of the Universe in images of the Hubble telescope


From the void: the most mysterious and inaccessible places of ...

By the end of 2019, the magazine The Atlantic has compiled the main pictures of the cosmos taken by the spacecraft the Hubble Space ...

The space program of the Republic of Zambia, which started in the 60's. Like you, Elon Musk?


The space program of the Republic of Zambia, which started in ...

Today it is fashionable to speculate about the possibility of colonization of Mars and to argue about the representative of some of ...

Falling from Heaven


Falling from Heaven

Well, who among us has not made a wish on a shooting star at least once? And some, like, for example, photographer Dave Morrow ...

The unusually beautiful Fukan meteorite


The unusually beautiful Fukan meteorite

The Fukang meteorite, believed to be 4.5 billion years old, was found near the city of the same name in China in 2000. It is a ...

Be fruitful and multiply! Scientists have found that people will be able to leave offspring on Mars


Be fruitful and multiply! Scientists have found that people ...

The life of people on other planets no longer seems like a perfect fantasy, as a few decades ago. Space exploration is being ...

Is it possible to shoot a firearm in space


Is it possible to shoot a firearm in space

In science fiction films, you can often see battles in outer space. Heroes arrange shootouts with laser pistols, plasma guns and ...

14 scientific facts that will make you look at the world differently


14 scientific facts that will make you look at the world ...

The universe is a crazy place. There are exploding stars and immortal jellyfish, and all this has been around for about 14 billion ...

Scientists told what space smells like


Scientists told what space smells like

The question of what space smells like may not be considered topical, but, you must agree, it would be interesting to find out. It ...

Smacks of trouble: why is farting in space deadly?


Smacks of trouble: why is farting in space deadly?

Farting in the presence of others is indecent, and in space it is deadly dangerous. Such a danger was told by NASA astronauts who ...

10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About the Northern Lights


10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About the Northern Lights

The polar (northern) lights are a natural phenomenon of incredible beauty, a phenomenon that has excited the minds of mankind for ...

12 Zodiac signs in the form of charming cuties from a Russian artist


12 Zodiac signs in the form of charming cuties from a Russian ...

There are two types of people: some believe in horoscopes, and others consider it complete nonsense. In addition, now, on the eve ...

"Diamond nights" by Beth Moon – the oldest trees of the Earth against the background of stars


"Diamond nights" by Beth Moon – the oldest trees of the ...

Photographer from San Francisco Beth Moon traveled all over the planet to photograph century-old trees that are as old as our ...

Star Funnel


Star Funnel

These incredible images reflect the movement of the Earth around its axis. In fact, these are hundreds of different images of the ...

Sergey Krikalev is the most famous Russian cosmonaut after Gagarin, who was "forgotten" in space


Sergey Krikalev is the most famous Russian cosmonaut after ...

In February 1994, the first flight of a Russian cosmonaut on an American spacecraft took place. This was the flight of Sergei ...

Photos from Earth that aliens must definitely see


Photos from Earth that aliens must definitely see

The federal agency NASA launched the Voyager-1 spacecraft in 1977, and in 2012 the spacecraft left the Solar System and entered ...

Belka, Strelka and the furry team: the story of the conquest of space by animals


Belka, Strelka and the furry team: the story of the conquest ...

On August 19, 1960, the legendary mongrels Belka and Strelka went into orbit on board a spacecraft and, after making a daily ...

The stargazes you can't miss this year


The stargazes you can't miss this year

We also call them shooting stars, stellar or meteor showers, and meteor showers. But in fact, a starfall is still a meteor shower, ...

Perseid meteor shower


Perseid meteor shower

Is there a falling star in the night sky? Make your most cherished wish! And every August, for almost a month, you can make up to a ...

Satellite images of the Earth


Satellite images of the Earth

These amazing photos allow you to look at the Earth with completely different eyes. Even if you have never been to Florida, ...

Margaret Hamilton is a modest conqueror of the Moon, about whom they used to keep silent


Margaret Hamilton is a modest conqueror of the Moon, about ...

Everyone knows that success in any large-scale project is ensured by a lot of people who work tirelessly for a common goal. But ...

How humanity reached the moon


How humanity reached the moon

On July 20, 1969, the manned spacecraft Apollo 11 helped humanity take its first step onto the surface of the Moon. On this day, ...

5 Surprising Facts About The Big Bang Theory


5 Surprising Facts About The Big Bang Theory

In the early 20th century, astronomers Edwin Hubble and Milton Humason discovered that galaxies were gradually moving away from the ...

The Stellar Whirlpool


The Stellar Whirlpool

Australian photographer Lincoln Harrison captured the movement of the stars in the night sky, using a long shutter speed (up to 15 ...

Why can't Mars colonists have sex with Earthlings? Scientists have described the evolution of immigrants


Why can't Mars colonists have sex with Earthlings? Scientists ...

If Martians do not exist, then sooner or later they will definitely appear — so says physics professor Brian Cox (Brian Edward ...

What will happen to a dead body in outer space


What will happen to a dead body in outer space

It is well known that the body of a dead person changes over time. These changes begin immediately after death and become more ...