Shiloh, a 13-year-old daughter of brad pitt asks his father to protect her from coronavirus
Categories: Celebrities | Children | Health and Medicine
By Pictolic daughter of brad pitt and Angelina Jolie Shiloh is greatly concerned about the scale of the pandemic coronavirus and wants the father returned to the family. The girl believes that only he can protect her mother and brothers and sisters from dangerous diseases.
Both native and adopted children, pitt and Jolie are living together with 44-year-old mother. Now, when the United States imposed strict quarantine, Angelina herself watching how they learn the curriculum and what you do during the day. Their whole life is in quarantine is subject to a strict schedule, as the mother is experiencing that children are not behind in their studies.
Every morning she wakes Jolie 16-year-old pax, 15-year-old male, 13-year-old Shiloh and 11-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne. After Breakfast, the children sit down for the lessons and take care of them until then, until you internalize scheduled for the day material.
Some insider told reporters edition of the Mirror that most strongly experiencing because of the pandemic, 13-year-old Shiloh. Girl who not long ago made the operation moves on crutches and in need of special attention. The first native daughter of star pair is not enough to have been the mother she wants to be in a difficult moment was beside her father.
The source claims that Shiloh admitted that he feels as secure only next to father and I'm sure that in this situation only he can protect her from dangerous ailment. We also learned that brad pitt is not opposed to her daughter lived for some time with him, but as she reached adulthood, it will have to obtain permission from Jolie.
The presence of a strong relationship between father and daughter it is hard to dispute — from a very young age Shiloh was looking for support in difficult situations not of his mother, namely the father. Pitt's presence always comforted her and were filled with confidence that everything will be fine.
Keywords: Angelina Jolie | Brad pitt | The kids | The quarantine coronavirus epidemic
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