Scientists have discovered the mummies of ancient penguins in Antarctica

Scientists have discovered the mummies of ancient penguins in Antarctica

Categories: Animals

Due to global warming, what used to be ice-bound has opened up the possibility for researchers to make discoveries. So, thanks to the melting of ice in Antarctica, researchers have discovered an ancient colony of penguins and well-preserved mummies of baby birds.

Scientists have discovered the mummies of ancient penguins in Antarctica

Located on the coast of the Ross Sea, Cape Irizar is gradually coming out from under the snow, and all because over the past 40 years the average annual temperature has risen by 1.5-2 degrees Celsius. Scientists from The University of North Carolina at Wilmington suggested that now you can find unique finds there that were previously inaccessible due to permafrost.

Researchers found bones, well-preserved carcasses and remnants of penguin guano on the Ross Sea coast. All this should indicate that the birds stopped here recently, but there has been no mention of active colonies in this area since the beginning of the 20th century.

Scientists have discovered the mummies of ancient penguins in Antarctica

Found bones

Scientists have discovered the mummies of ancient penguins in Antarctica

Guano remains and stains

In the permafrost, the corpses of birds were stored for hundreds of years, but with the beginning of melting they appeared on the surface and even managed to partially decompose.

Scientists have discovered the mummies of ancient penguins in Antarctica

The Penguin Mummy

Keywords: Antarctica | Global warming | Mummies | Penguins | Birds

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