Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Categories: History

James Francis Hurley (James Francis Hurley), known by the name of Frank Hurley (Frank Hurley) — the most famous Australian photographer and adventurer of the first half of the twentieth century. His career began in 1910‑ies during an expedition to Antarctica, where he showed himself a "warrior with a camera, ready to go anywhere and to endure any hardship, just to get a good shot".

We have collected the most popular photos of Antarctica, created by Frank Hurley.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

In October 1914, a few months after the outbreak of the First world war, Explorer sir Shakleton gathered an expedition to Antarctica, which included photographer Frank Hurley. A group of 27 people 69 huskies went on a journey from the capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires on the ship called Endurance ("Endurance").

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

The researchers had intended first to cross on foot by the time a South pole.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

However, their ship never reached the designated target, hitting the trap of ice, and his team had to leave the ship and build tents near Endurance. The travelers found themselves in complete isolation, in those days there were no helicopters, or ships, or other vehicles to come to their aid.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

The glaciers of Antarctica, 1914.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

No matter what, fanatically devoted to his work, Frank has continued to take photographs.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

It's hard to believe, but they managed to escape only after 10 months! Conquerors of the Antarctic showed amazing fortitude and physical endurance, to name a few long months of reference for communication, hunting...

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

And even playing football!

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Crumbling ship.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Despite the constant low temperature, Frank managed to create a series of unique photos of the surrounding landscapes and of course, penguins.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Frozen penguins after a snowfall.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

The harsh circumstances of survival made up of members of a team of professional hunters seals and fishermen.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Of the 27 man squad killed three. In the annals of the history of this expedition was an example of professionalism and endurance explorers who managed to survive in extreme conditions.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Dogs they were taken, protected and warmed.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

Puppy dog sled dog.

Most impressive photos of Antarctica beginning of the XX century

August 30, all participants wintering went on Board the vessel Yelcho and was saved. Unfortunately, as the expedition took place during the First world war, it was almost unnoticed by contemporaries explorers.

Keywords: History of the expedition | Antarctica | Ice | Photographer | Adventure | XX century

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