Purely Japanese theory, or How the blood type affects a person's character
Categories: Asia | Health and Medicine | Nations
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/purely-japanese-theory-or-how-the-blood-type-affects-a-persons-character.htmlDespite the fact that Japan is considered a high-tech country, there is always a place for the strange and archaic in it. What would you say if your employer refused you a place because you have a third blood type? Surely such a reason will seem silly to you. Nevertheless, for a Japanese person with such a group is an optional, negligent employee. It just so happens that the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun use analyzes to pick up staff, choose a life partner and solve many other important tasks.
The Japanese believe that the blood type says a lot about a person. Therefore, the question about her can be heard both when applying for a job and on the first date. Given the blood type, it is possible to strengthen the family, solve the issue of choosing a profession and even correctly prioritize life.
For the first time this theory was presented more than 50 years ago by the doctor Toshitaka Nomi. She has been comparing blood types with people's characters for a long time and made important conclusions. In her opinion, the owners of the first group are the most energetic, the second — prudent, the third — creative, and the fourth — the most sociable.
It should be said right away that Dr. Nomi did not want to discriminate against people by blood groups. It was just her observation, under which a serious research platform had to be brought. But the Japanese turned everything upside down. They began to make fateful decisions and determine their lives based on blood groups.
Of course, there were people who benefited from it. Historian Stanislav Ruzanov, who studied this unusual phenomenon, said about it this way:
It is almost impossible to get to work in a solid company with the third group. It is believed that such an employee is optional, and will only wreak havoc. The owners of the first group, as the most energetic and proactive, are gladly taken to leadership positions.
So, the Japanese believe that there is something in a person's blood that determines his character and even abilities. For the first group, it is enterprise, courage and sociability. In their opinion, this is the most leading category of people, designed to manage and organize. They set ambitious goals for themselves and try to achieve them.
Individuals with the second group are intelligent, sensitive and passionate. They are open to cooperation and easily learn anything. They are loyal and patient people, with a peaceful nature. In a word — ideal workers and good spouses.
The owners of the third group are creative personalities. They make decisions easily, although not always the right ones. In Japan, it is believed that this category of people can focus on their goal. But in life they are hindered by an absolute unwillingness to obey someone's will. Therefore, the owners of the third group are rarely considered as employees with responsible tasks.
The most ambiguous is considered to be the rarest, the fourth group. People with her can be both overly sociable and very shy. There is an opinion that they hide their true nature well from others. But they easily make friends, become the soul of the company and their company is never boring.
Four groups are described here, but scientists have already discovered the fifth and sixth. They were called "Langerais" and "Junior". They are very rare and mainly among representatives of certain peoples. These include the Japanese. Brian Ballif, a professor of biology at the University of Vermont, believes that at least 50 thousand people with these groups live in Japan.
It is because of this that unforeseen problems occur during blood transfusion, alas, often ending tragically. Professor Ballif is also confident that in the future science will open another 10-15 groups. In the meantime, in order not to put yourself at risk in emergency situations, the scientist advises preserving your own blood in order to have a safe reserve and not to contact donors.
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