Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

Categories: Europe

Police officers from the English county of Leicestershire have been selling luxury items confiscated from criminals since 2009: Rolex watches, cars, designer accessories and even a drug dealer's plane on which he imported cocaine into the country. Trading is conducted on the eBay online platform, in total during this time it was possible to sell 6000 goods worth 1.5 million pounds — about 109 million rubles.

(Total of 8 photos)

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals Source: Daily Mail

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

Now the only product for sale in the police account is an Audi A3 car for 3895 pounds (approximately 284.3 thousand rubles). There have been no purchase orders for two days yet.

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

I must say that law enforcement officers are engaged in dumping: for example, these new Oyster Rolex women's watches cost up to 3,500 pounds, and they sold them for 1,195 pounds. Buyers are happy: there are only positive reviews about the police service account on eBay.

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

This Vivienne Westwood leather bag was sold by the police for 41 pounds, although bags of this brand, as a rule, cost several times more expensive.

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

The plane of the drug dealer Zenair Zodiac, which was estimated at 1.7 million pounds, in 2013 was sold for 17,200 pounds — a hundred times cheaper.

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

On the left, Vivienne Westwood men's shoes sold for 41 pounds, and on the right, Christian Louboutin shoes for 331 pounds.

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

The head of the Economic crimes unit of Leicestershire Police, Paul Wenlock, with the watch seized from criminals. According to the law "On Countering the Legalization of Proceeds from Criminal Activity", the Economic Crimes Department confiscates expensive property — from high-end jewelry and designer clothes to luxury sports cars and houses. The proceeds are divided between the police, the Home Office and the Royal Prosecution Service, and also go to compensate victims of crimes.

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

Paul Wenlock said that most of the confiscated money is provided by drug dealers: "They can't resist buying expensive trinkets. We confiscated about 200 luxury items from one such dealer: watches, clothes, jewelry. In general, this year we sold Volkswagen for 18 thousand pounds, Prada and Mulberry bags were also very popular."

Police officers earned 1.5 million pounds on the sale of luxury goods seized from criminals

Venlock also suggested that British residents report to the police about those who lead a disproportionately luxurious lifestyle: employees will check whether their incomes have been obtained by criminal means.

Keywords: UK | Cars | Drug dealer | Cops | Criminals | Luxury | Planes

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