Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

Categories: History

Today on the network wanders a lot of "sensational" photographs from the past designed to capture the imagination of users. But we all know that the Internet provides the ground for the mass of hoaxes and fakes, so believe everything that is published online is not worth it. We offer you to get acquainted with the most well-known "historical" facts that turned out to be ordinary fotofacade.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

This picture was very popular in the network and it is often cited as an example the fact that "in the trenches, there are no atheists". Few people doubt creeps in reality the pictures, but let's face the truth. This is a staged photo "Soldier's prayer", which the author is a professional photographer Shirak Karapetyan-Milshtein.

Meanwhile, the author of the picture has announced its work with a note that said that the photo was taken in 2007 near Armavir and are intended only to convey the atmosphere of the great Patriotic war. Dedicated to the portrait of the fighter Karapetyan-Milshtein soldiers who participated in the battle of Kursk.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

For years, the Internet users are entertaining pictures strange masculine woman in Oriental clothes, unibrow and mustache on round faces. Captions to these pictures say that they wives of the harem of the Persian Shah Naser al-DIN Shah Qajar, meets his ideas about female beauty.

This is not true, as the photo shows theatre-Comedy men in women's images. Shah relatively progressive for the Eastern ruler of the nineteenth century views and loved the theatre. But he was seriously limited by the canons of Islam, deleted women of any social and creative activities. Therefore, in the theatre, all the roles were played exclusively by men.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

Despite the fact that photoshop was invented relatively recently, the art of photo montage there are nearly two centuries. A photograph a German soldier shooting a sobbing Soviet pulemetchica is a very old fake, which is popular today. Comparing the right and left the can to make sure we are dealing with skilled forgeries.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

This picture was allegedly taken in secret, long walks on the Internet, fueling rumors of an affair between a U.S. President and a sex symbol of Hollywood. Perhaps this novel really existed, but the photo is a fake. This staging with the twins, which sold photographer Alison Jackson, famous for such works.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

Another fake from the German series, beloved by Internet users. In the pictures are not historical kiss, illustrating the victory of love over hatred, and in our days in the Crimea, at the rally re-enactors. It portrays the kiss as husband and wife, dressed in the uniform of the enemy.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

The photograph, which the reporter allegedly caught Martin Luther king, showing obscene gesture, once very actively discussed. But as it turned out in vain — a fighter for the rights of black in the picture shows two finger "V", meaning "victory", but the original is slightly corrected.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

This image became a meme, created in 2011, an American photographer, but some do not understand that this is just a collage. The newspaper reprinted the photo as genuine, spreading among the readers a sense of bewilderment, and even shock. All scared probably not a nuclear explosion, but looking bloodthirsty against this background, the smile of the famous scientist. Although between the two photos collage difference in 29 years.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

This is a photo of love to give for a historical picture made a moment later, after the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. Actually this picture is just a frame from the film devoted to this event.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

And, again, a photo, concocted out of the frame, cut from the movie. Those who argue that the picture shows the real den opium smokers in 1918 either lying or they're wrong. It's just a scene from the movie "Dandy-Pacha", French Director Georges Remon.

Myths and legends of the Internet: exposing popular "historical" photos and facts

Many have come across the network in this picture, which, according to the signatures, primitive timer prostitutes of the XIX century. Usually the description of this photo says that this candle was used by workers in brothels in order to measure the time allotted to the client. It's a lie — in pictures an ordinary pocket candles, and the story of the prostitutes came up with a man in our time who decided to sell caught in his rarity expensive.

Keywords: Historical photographs | Collages | Fake | Photomontage | Black and white photography

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