Modern Movie Posters in Medieval Style

Modern Movie Posters in Medieval Style

Categories: Cinema | Culture | Exhibition | History

The original style of medieval artists is very popular these days. There are many memes on the Internet based on old paintings and illustrations. French artist Simon De Thuillières went further - he creates posters of well-known films in the style of medieval book illustrations. Despite the fact that they look very unusual, it is not difficult to recognize a movie from such a poster.

Modern Movie Posters in Medieval Style

Under the pseudonym Simon De Thuillier, the artist and illustrator from Marseille Renaud Garcia works. He is a passionate fan of everything medieval, and literally lives this era. He calls himself "a translator of modern pop culture into medieval language."

Modern Movie Posters in Medieval Style

Simon is a great entertainer. He not only plays with modernity in his paintings in the style of the old masters, but even writes “medieval” books. His most famous work is called “The Code of Simon de Thuillières” (Le Codex de Simon de Thuillières), and he wrote it in a “quasi-Old French language” that he invented himself.

Modern Movie Posters in Medieval Style

But all this is a hobby, and in the world Simon creates storyboards for cartoons, TV series and commercials. Despite such a modern profession, De Thuillier says that he feels like a medieval artist from the 14th century.

Modern Movie Posters in Medieval Style

To get a funny poster, it turns out, you don't even need to be able to draw medieval illustrations. It's enough, like the users of the VKontakte public "Koty", to know Photoshop and love cats.

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