Letta the doll: the story of the possessed toys, which make the Romanian witch

Letta the doll: the story of the possessed toys, which make the Romanian witch

Categories: Europe | Nations | Society | World

In 1970, Australian Carrie Walton arrived in the small town of Wagga Wagga for the funeral of his grandmother. After the funeral he decided to explore the neighboring house, which all his childhood haunting him. Passing through the rooms, already at the exit, Carrie looked under the porch and found a puppet, and subsequently changed his life.

Letta the doll: the story of the possessed toys, which make the Romanian witch

The toy was strange: the dwarf in the green vintage coat, with glass eyes, a long nose and a tuft of black hair. Struck the man and a creepy doll's face that looked at him with a frightening smile. Carrie Walton recalled:

When Carrie Walton brought the find home, his two small children met a puppet, tears and tantrums. The new owner called puppet Letta (Letta). Carrie did not understand why he chose that name, but eventually received a response.

With the advent of Letta in the house of the Waltons began to happen strange things. In the room with the doll was the oppressive atmosphere, close to her people felt the discomfort and even nausea. The Waltons than once surprised to notice that the puppet changes the pose, and she has moving arms and head. Carrie recalled:

Letta the doll: the story of the possessed toys, which make the Romanian witch

When a Gypsy woman drowned son, the witch did the ceremony and moved his soul into the puppet of the Waltons. At Letta's actually human hair, and the head of a doll is a piece of human skin.

Psychics explained, and the meaning of the name doll, which actually is an abbreviation. The word Letta — abbreviated phrase Lett me оut, which translated to English means: "let me go". Learn about the history of toys, the man decided to sell it, but it is always something prevented. Carrie recalled:

Letta the doll: the story of the possessed toys, which make the Romanian witch

The doll is in the house of the Waltons, and the Carrie now admits that it had developed a friendly relationship. A man jokingly calls her "doll from hell".

In Japan, the artist turns rag dolls that inhabited the abandoned people of the village. Who knows, maybe in a few years and they will tell you that these dolls possessed?

Keywords: Australia | Doll | Mystery

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