Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Categories: Celebrities | Children | Positive

When a baby appears in the family, all relatives and friends begin to argue, who is he more like-mom or dad? Everyone looks at the child's facial features, but sometimes there are big surprises lurking there.

How does it feel to discover that your child is the spitting image of Danny DeVito? What does a parent feel when they see that their child is just a copy of Gandalf? The resemblance, sometimes disconcerting, looks funny, but as we know, there is only a fraction of a joke in every joke.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Chef and TV presenter Gordon Ramsay.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Actor Danny DeVito.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Actor Wallace Shawn.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Prince George.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people


Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Rapper Jay-Z.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Chef and TV presenter Jamie Oliver.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Actor Simon Pegg.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Actress Jennifer Garner.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Albert Einstein.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Actor James Dean.

Kids who suddenly look like famous people

Actor Vin Diesel.

Keywords: Celebrity | Positive | Kids | Baby | Funny | Humor | Likeness | Babies

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