Interesting places in England

Interesting places in England

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Just because you've been to London a couple of times, seen Big Ben, and maybe even dropped by in passing at the home of the Beatle, it doesn't mean that you know England. It has many interesting places to visit, and below are just a few of them. So, what to do in England to better feel the spirit of this country?


Interesting places in England

1. Visit the flea market on Portobello Road in London.

Portobello Road is famous for its Saturday antique market. Here you can find anything: paintings, books, records, jewelry, old love letters, and even concrete sculptures.

Interesting places in England

2. Go on an excursion to the Roman baths in the city of Bath.

The Roman baths in the city of Bath (which, by the way, translates as "bath") were built by the Romans 2000 years ago. Also, Bath has long been a popular resort with the high society of England, including the royal families.

Interesting places in England

3. Go to Stonehenge during the summer solstice.

Every year, thousands of people flock to Wiltshire to watch the sun rise between the stones of Stonehenge. We have to admit, this is a very impressive sight.

Interesting places in England

4. Wander around the Cotswolds.

Cotswold is one of the most picturesque areas of England, the best place to relax from the bustle of the city. Here you can enjoy nature, dine in a traditional English tavern and walk along the streets of the small cozy town of Chipping Gampton.

Interesting places in England

5. Stay overnight at Koa Tree Camp in Conwall.

Cornwall is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, and a night in a traditional Mongolian yurt makes you feel closer to nature.

Interesting places in England

6. Visit Oxford.

The famous Oxford University is made up of 38 different colleges, each with its own history. The most beautiful piece of architecture is the New College.

Interesting places in England

7. Attend a football match.

Football fans should definitely make a trip to Greater Manchester to watch a live match at the famous Old Trafford football stadium, also known as the Theater of Dreams.

Interesting places in England

8. Visit Whitby Abbey.

The ruins of Hilda's Abbey in Whitby exude mystery and romance, thanks in large part to writers such as Walter Scott and Bram Stoker. In order to visit this extraordinary building, you will have to go through 199 stone steps.

Interesting places in England

9. Walk through the mysterious Dartmoor forest.

Shrouded in mist and shrouded in mystery, the forest of Dartmoor National Park has been an inexhaustible source of local folklore for many years, it has spawned many incredible stories and legends.

Interesting places in England

10. Drink tea at the Bridge Tea Rooms.

A traditional English tea party is best served in a traditional 16th-century style establishment located in Bradford-on-Avon.

Interesting places in England

11. Visit Sissinghurst Gardens.

Sissinghurst Gardens is a true work of art, with many types of flowers and herbs collected here. Since 1967, the gardens have been a national treasure of the country.

Interesting places in England

12. Look at Durham Cathedral.

The cathedral in the city of Durham, located in the north-east of England, is a real masterpiece of Anglo-Norman architecture and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Interesting places in England

13. Visit the Lake District.

Few things in England can match the beauty of this picturesque mountainous region, which is located in the county of Cumbria. Majestic mountains, green valleys and beautiful lakes leave a truly unforgettable impression.

Keywords: Interesting places | England | Travel | Tourism | Beauty | London | Big Ben | World

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