In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

Categories: Health and Medicine

All girls dream of a slim and beautiful figure. But what if nature has rewarded you with curvy forms, and the willpower to regularly go to the gym and follow a diet is not enough? The most important thing is not to despair! Come to the rescue ...spices! Nutritionists say that food with spices quenches hunger faster than an unflavored dish. And in addition, spices speed up the metabolism and successfully fight fat deposits.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

1. Cinnamon.

It is considered the best spice for those who want to lose weight. Just a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and your carbohydrate metabolism will improve twenty times. In addition, the spice controls the level of sugar in the blood, due to the jumps of which the "wolf's appetite" wakes up. Moreover, even the smell of cinnamon can deceive the appetite and create the illusion of satiety. The spice can be added to tea, coffee, cottage cheese or yogurt, baked apples or pumpkin.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

2. Cayenne pepper. 

Just a pinch of pepper added to the dish accelerates the metabolic processes by 25 percent, reduces blood sugar levels and suppresses appetite. But with this spice, you need to be careful for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

3. Turmeric.

A popular Indian condiment. An excellent antioxidant and metabolic activator. The unique substance curcumin, contained in the spice, prevents the accumulation of fat deposits and improves digestion. Turmeric can be used in the preparation of a variety of vegetable stews, sauces and salads.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

4. Cardamom.

The spicy and burning spice is native to India. This spice is primarily an excellent antioxidant and fat burner. Cardamom breaks down and removes cholesterol, increases immunity and fights depression. You can add it to almost all dishes.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

5. Anise.

An excellent remedy that reduces appetite. The amazing properties of this plant were known even in the time of Hippocrates and Avicenna. For example, ancient Greek athletes always chewed anise seeds to suppress the feeling of hunger and not to fill their stomach before the responsible competitions. In addition, anise raises the mood and gives fresh breath.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

6. Ginger.

Ginger is an indispensable assistant on the way to a slim figure. It will give your dishes a wonderful taste and aroma, but in addition it will improve the functioning of the digestive system, significantly accelerate the metabolic processes and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

7. Black pepper.

Black pepper can be found in the kitchen cabinet of almost all housewives. But few people know about its useful properties. And as it turned out, there are quite a few of them. Black pepper is able to destroy fat cells and burn extra calories, improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It also fights heartburn, indigestion, and bloating.

In the fight against excess weight will help... spices!

8. Horseradish

Horseradish is not only a burning spicy seasoning, but also a plant that has many useful and medicinal properties. It has a restorative, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diuretic and choleretic effect. But doctors do not recommend abusing this spice. Its excess in the daily diet can lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Weight loss | Spices

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