In China, the bride could not walk because of the weight of gold jewelry
By Pictolic wedding is considered a very solemn event, and the newlyweds want to look their best at it. At the same time, excesses often occur, as happened in China, in Hubei province. There the bride decorated herself with so much gold that she could not walk without help.
The gold worn by the bride on the wedding day was gifts from the groom and his family. In many regions of the Middle Kingdom, in the old-fashioned way, they give a ransom for a girl in the form of money or jewelry. The groom's relatives gave the bride a pair of massive gold bracelets, but the guy himself was not a miss. He presented his beloved with 60 necklaces, each of which contained almost a kilogram of gold.
The total weight of precious jewelry exceeded 60 kg, so the girl had a hard time. The bride was able to move only with the help of the groom. Photos from this wedding went viral and quickly spread all over the Internet. They were especially actively discussed in China and India, where they also like to hang kilograms of gold on themselves.
Bride price in most regions of Russia is considered a relic of the past. Moreover, the Slavs grooms and their families themselves hoped for the dowry of the girl. It is still customary to pay for a bride in many countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as in India and China.
The Chinese groom, on average, has to prepare 200 thousand yuan (2.2 million rubles) and an apartment for the wedding. Therefore, they have been preparing for marriage in China for many years, and sometimes even take loans. In the case of the "golden bride", the newlywed's family was clearly not from the poor.
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