In China ban eating dogs and cats. It would seem, and here is the coronavirus?

In China ban eating dogs and cats. It would seem, and here is the coronavirus?

Categories: Animals | Asia

Not once has been said that after the epidemic of the coronavirus, the world will never be the same again. This prediction begins to come true in China are starting to impose bans on some traditional cuisine. In Shenzhen, local authorities have announced a ban on eating cats and dogs, which should soon enter into force.

In China ban eating dogs and cats. It would seem, and here is the coronavirus?

Fathers Shenzhen were the first who made a lesson from swept the country misery. From may 1, 2020 fans bake in the oven Murzik or cook a stew Ball be outlawed. It is expected that the city will be followed by other localities in the country.

In China ban eating dogs and cats. It would seem, and here is the coronavirus?

It is believed that initially the bearer of a new type of coronavirus, called COVID-19 were bats. To-human infection could move from bats via pangolin, which are happy to eat Chinese. But this is just a guess and a carrier of the virus could be least favorite gourmet dogs or cats.

After infecting people accused of pangolins, no sane person would eat it. But cats and dogs are still at risk. It is known that in Asia annually eat up 30 million dogs just for their meat, considered a delicacy.

In China ban eating dogs and cats. It would seem, and here is the coronavirus?

China's share in this volume — 10 million, which is not so little. Fans of cat meat a lot less, but despite this, the country are killed every year to 4 million of these lovely animals. We must note that this is only the official data from the organization Humane Society International and the real figures are likely much more impressive.

By the way, you should not assume that the Chinese eat dogs for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. In fact the figures given by the experts saying that in a country with 1.5 billion people food from these animals are more rare than a part of the daily diet. However it would be nice if the initiative of the authorities Shenzhen to find support around the world and eating dogs and cats is not only beyond good, but will become a punishable case.

Keywords: Food | Cruelty | Ban | Chinese food | Coronavirus | Cats | Dogs

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