Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

Categories: Health and Medicine | Society | World

Many people have encountered exhibitionists in their lives. Someone was "lucky" to survive a traumatic encounter in childhood, and someone crossed paths with a pervert already in adulthood. This phenomenon can be treated in different ways, but the question is always relevant: why does a person need it?

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

The science of psychology says that exhibitionism is a sexual deviation, paraphilia, which is characterized by a very strong desire to show your intimate places to strangers, preferably strangers. Most often, an exhibitionist acts in public places, since it is easier for him to realize his desire and retire without any problems.

The purpose of the exhibitionist is to shock the victim, her reaction — this is what they achieve with their simple manipulations. Do not confuse these guys with nudists — they do not experience sexual arousal and do not show their nakedness intentionally, but are exposed because of their beliefs.

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

If a girl gets excited by demonstratively undressing in front of her boyfriend, then this is also not exhibitionism. Such a reaction is considered quite healthy and should not cause concern. But intentional sex in public, with the attention of random witnesses-this is already an undoubted disorder.

Striptease dancers can not be attributed to exhibitionists, because they show themselves to an audience that not only wants to see their body, but also pays for it. In this case, there is no shocking impact, and we are talking simply about professional activity.

Exhibitionism is mainly the prerogative of men. Anonymous surveys conducted in Sweden showed that 4.1% of men and only 2.1% of women sinned at least once in their lives for the sake of getting sexual arousal. Men are also more likely to be arrested for displaying genitals, as women are more active in calling the police when faced with this phenomenon.

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

The tendency to exhibitionism rarely manifests itself in adulthood. Usually, the origins of this deviation are in youth or even in childhood. Psychologists say that most of these people first went "on the trail" at the age of 12, and already at 15 they began to show themselves regularly.

As a rule, exhibitionists are closed and indecisive people who find it difficult to be in companies and it is difficult to make acquaintances. The vast majority of them have difficulties with communication and are lonely. They switch to abnormal behavior due to the fact that they are unable to have a normal sexual relationship.

Having tried it once and experienced sexual arousal, the exhibitionist reliably fixes in his mind the relationship between the demonstration of the genitals and pleasure. After that, it is not easy for such a person to give up an unhealthy addiction.

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

Researchers interviewed 180 exhibitionists to find out what they want to achieve with their not-quite-normal behavior. Of these, 35.1% said that they would like a stranger to have sexual intercourse with them, for 19.5% the reaction is not important at all, and 15.5% expect that the victim will also undress in front of them. 14.1% expect to see admiration, 11.9% want to observe any reaction and only 3.8% of exhibitionists want to see anger or disgust. Oddly enough, but only 0.5% called the desired reaction of their victim is fear.

It is not necessary that the attributes of this deviation are a coat and a park. The advent of the Internet has significantly expanded the possibilities of exhibitionists, allowing them to act more freely and not so shocking. There are many ways to show yourself to people and see their reaction to this action.

In recent years, a very common way to demonstrate intimate parts of the body is reflexively. In this case, a person photographs himself in various reflective surfaces. Supporters of this trend post photos on the Internet, hoping to see the reaction of users in the comments.

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

As examples, you can reflexively give photos of reflections of naked men and women in TV screens, on the shiny surfaces of teapots and even on forks and spoons. It all started with an attempt by an Australian to sell a teapot at an online auction. The photo clearly showed its reflection on the surface of the household appliance, which caused a wave of outrage and discussions on the network.

Among women, the so — called anasirma is very popular-lifting a skirt or dress in the absence of underwear. Of course, men very rarely complain about such a manifestation of deviation, so it is difficult to call the statistics on it complete.

Another common form of rejection — candaulesism, consists in showing others your naked partner. According to legend, the Lydian king Kandavl showed his wife to the bodyguards, which gave the name of sexual perversion.

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

There is also such a type of exhibitionism as muning, that is, a demonstration of the back of the pelvis in front of the public. This is not always associated with rejection, as it is often performed out of mischief or in protest against something. Women practice flushing-instant exposure of the genitals or breasts.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a form of exhibitionism as martimaclia, when a person is excited if strangers see him during sex. Many people consider a kind of perversion to be a striking — jogging in the nude, but this is more often a provocative action than a sexual one.

Like any sexual disorder, exhibitionism begins to be treated with therapeutic methods. Sometimes medications are used — taking antidepressants is connected to therapy. In particularly severe cases that occur in men, drugs that suppress the production of the male hormone — testosterone are prescribed for treatment.

Illness or promiscuity: who are exhibitionists and what do they need?

If you are afraid of the thought that one day you may see a naked freak in an open coat, then console yourself with the fact that you do not live in Japan. This is where you can actually encounter the strangest perversions in real life.

Keywords: Perversions | Fright | Coat | Pathology | Psychologist | Exhibitionism

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