If foreign stars had patronymics
Categories: Celebrities
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/if-foreign-stars-had-patronymics.htmlA crazy idea came to mind: imagine how respectfully it would be necessary to address the popular of this world. So, meet me…
Arnold Gustavovich
Jean-Claude Eugene Van Warenberg
Bruce Davidovich
Al Salvatorevich Pacino
Madonna Silviovna Ciccone
John Donaldovich
James Persievich
Mila Bogdanovna. Everything is simple and quite familiar here.
Leonardo Djordjevic
Bradley Charlesovich
Robert Robertovich
Daniel Timovich
John Johnovich
David Amramovich
Ben Timotevich
Jason Barrievich
Gerard Reneevich (however, in the Russian passport he is recorded as Gerard Xavier)
Hugh Kristoferovich
Hugh James Grant
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