I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Categories: Europe | Society

In the walls of the most dangerous and guarded prisons of any country in the world, the fork is a deadly weapon. Outside the walls of Halden Prison in Norway, a fork is just a fork. 

The differences relate not only to the cutlery, but to almost every aspect, especially how the Norwegian Government treats justice and the re-education of criminal elements. For example, in the United States, convicts are isolated in order to punish them and keep them away from civilized society. In Norway, they prefer to re-educate criminals and return them to the world. In addition, there is no life sentence in the country. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Halden Prison opened in 2010. Despite the official status of a maximum security prison, Halden was recognized as the most humane in the world. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Driving up to the gate, you might think that you are facing a prison with maximum security and protection measures.

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Halden was designed by the architectural firm of Erik Møller. The main idea is to be surrounded by nature. Prisoners have access to windows to enjoy the greenery of trees and grass.

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Inside, Halden doesn't look like a typical American prison. The doors are wooden, with handles and windows that let in a little daylight. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

The cells are more like bedrooms in good student dormitories. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Halden prison has such a philosophy — to allow even the most dangerous criminals to feel like people. They are expected to respond in a more civilised manner. In contrast to the situation where they are treated like the fiends of hell. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

This attitude also applies to cutlery. The prisoners cook and eat together. They buy fresh fruit at the prison food store and go to pottery classes. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

The recreation room is conducive to communication. You can also play video games and watch movies there. The guards even help you choose the disks. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Prisoners have access to a gym with several basketball courts and a climbing wall. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

In Halden, prisoners get jobs where they can use tools, including dangerous ones. In your spare time, you can improve, for example, playing the guitar in a recording studio.

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

A place for prayers is provided for the faithful, and clergy of different faiths are invited to conduct the service. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

For comparison, the Google Maps photo shows the maximum security correctional prison ADX Florence. The most dangerous criminals are kept there. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Standard cell in the ADX Florence prison.

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Prisoners in solitary confinement do not communicate with others. They spend 23 hours indoors.

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

They sleep on concrete slabs, literally do not see the white light.

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

Some prisoners are only allowed to exercise for two hours a day in their cell, five times a week, and then only if they are part of the Step Down program, which transfers prisoners who behave well to better conditions. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

The only connection to the world is the visits of friends and family members. 

I want to go to prison in Norway: a paradise for prisoners

The ADX Florence prison holds about 400 prisoners. Many of them are serving life sentences and will definitely never see a fork, a TV, or a soft bed. 

Keywords: Europe | Norway | Prison | Prisoners | Criminals | Society | Comfort | Term

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