How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

It's the hottest time of the year. In early August, asphalt in cities traditionally melts from the heat, megacities slowly melt under the scorching heat, and its unfortunate inhabitants must not only survive in this hell, but also continue to work, take care of themselves and their loved ones and keep the bar of success.

If you, like thousands of other people, feel unwell on hot days, then these tips from a Chinese medicine doctor will help you cope with the malaise.

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How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

1. Control your emotions.

It is known that human emotional reactions affect the functioning of internal organs. Heat in Chinese medicine is considered not only as a phenomenon of the external environment, but can also be an internal factor. Internal heat has a negative effect primarily on the heart, it is it that suffers at high temperatures. If at the same time a person experiences emotional overload, then the cardiovascular system is at even higher risk. Increased internal heat, combined with external heat, gives palpitations, changes in blood pressure, headache, weakness. How to determine the intensity of internal heat? Examine the tongue in front of the mirror, the heart zone is localized at its tip. If the tip has a bright red surface or there are red dots on it, this indicates the presence of "heat in the heart." You can test yourself on the state of the tongue on the website: The balance can be restored through nutrition, drinks, proper exercise and therapeutic methods.

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

2. Eat foods from the "cool" and "cold" groups.

According to the classification of Chinese medicine, all foods are divided into five groups - hot, warm, neutral, cool and cold. Naturally, in the heat, you need to reduce the consumption of hot nature products (meat - lamb, lamb, ham, salami, active seasonings, spices - hot pepper, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, curry), which shift energy processes towards heat. It is best to balance the condition with cold and cool foods: wheat, wheat germ, barley, millet, wild rice, duck, goose, hare, rabbit, fish, squid, oyster, Chinese and cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers , tomatoes, asparagus, radish, watercress, artichoke, avocado, rhubarb, celery, spinach, soy, tofu, soy milk and sauce, sunflower, sesame, olive oil, beans, peas, cashews, saffron, mushrooms, yogurt, banana , persimmon, kiwi, lime, tangerine, lemon, orange, grapefruit, gooseberry, apple, blueberry, blackberry, currant, watermelon, melon, mango, pear, mint, pineapple, quince, raspberry, strawberry. It is especially important to consider this classification for people who have "internal heat". The temperature of the food also matters: the dish you take out of the fridge certainly has a cooling effect.

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

3. Drink small portions throughout the day.

In the heat, sweating becomes more intense, and it is necessary to replenish the amount of fluid, because all biochemical processes in the human body occur in the aquatic environment.

If it is usually considered that it is enough to drink one and a half to two liters of water during the day, then in hot weather the need may increase. The simplest indicator of a lack of fluid in the body is a change in the color of urine. Normally, it should have a light straw color and becomes darker, the more the body needs water. Thus, it is possible to individually adjust the amount of fluid you drink, focusing not on some general norms, but primarily on an individual need, which depends on age, gender, metabolic characteristics, and physical activity.

Those who stay in the heat for a long time and sweat intensely should introduce mineral water into their diet to compensate for the leaching of minerals and trace elements.

Carry a bottle of water with you throughout the day and drink regularly, in small doses. But after 7 pm you should not drink too much, so that sleep is not disturbed.

Another very important question: what kind of water to drink? If you have a choice between spring water, tap water, and bottled water, bottled water is the smartest choice. Rather, from a large dense bottle. Please note: bottles made of thin plastic, on which white creases easily appear, release substances into the water that are similar in effect to female sex hormones and can negatively affect the cycle. Therefore, choose water in bottles with thick walls that do not have kinks, it is better to use glass containers.

If you drink water from a country well or spring, it makes sense to take the water for analysis and find out its composition.

The best choice is cold drinks. Hot tea in summer will increase perspiration and thus cool the surface of the body by increasing evaporation. Very cold drinks can trigger a sore throat.

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

4. From European doctors, you can sometimes hear the following recommendation: if you often have swelling in hot weather, you need to drink less.

From the point of view of a doctor who takes a synergistic approach to health, such advice seems strange. First of all, it is necessary to find out why exactly water is retained in the body and edema occurs - it can be in the state of the veins of the lower leg, liver, kidneys, in the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, in an imbalance of minerals and trace elements. It is clear that if the fluid is not excreted, then an imbalance has occurred in the body. From the point of view of Chinese medicine, it is often necessary to observe the retention of fluids in the body as a result of the "spleen deficiency" syndrome. The syndrome develops as a result of intellectual and physical overwork, excessive anxiety and worry, as well as the predominance of "mucus-forming" foods in the diet. Diet correction, herbal preparations, acupuncture can eliminate the "spleen deficiency" syndrome, reduce or completely eliminate excessive swelling.

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

5. Do not give up physical activity.

But make normal mode reasonable restrictions. Although naturally, when we run, the surface cools down if a person has normal thermoregulation. It is necessary to make adjustments to the usual mode of physical activity. Not under the scorching sun, indoors, morning or evening.

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

6. Avoid sudden changes in temperature.

If from the heat you find yourself in a room where the temperature is maintained at 18-19 degrees, you can get the so-called "cold blow". In the heat, the pores open and our body becomes more susceptible to various pathogenic factors. The risk of developing diseases of the upper respiratory tract increases, because the Qi energy of the lungs protects the body from natural pathogenic factors. And if the cold penetrates first into the skin, then into the muscles, then due to the temperature difference, inflammation of the muscles (myositis) may occur. So avoid direct cold airflow from cooling systems.

How to survive the heat in the city? 7 Rules of Chinese Medicine

7. Train your brain vessels to improve your well-being in hot weather.

The simplest thing you can do is regular lifts and bends. Try to gently bend over and rise several times in the morning. These simple exercises will help train blood vessels, improve blood circulation in the brain. In addition, to stabilize the work of the autonomic nervous system, it is worth doing exercises to balance the cerebral hemispheres. For example, try alternate nostril breathing from yoga practice, do tree poses. Give exercise for 7 minutes a day - and it will be easier to endure not only the heat, but also any changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

Keywords: Heat | Tips

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