How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

A young photographer Benedek Lampert (Benedek Lampert) from Budapest seriously engaged in seemingly children's toys. Skoda commissioned him to create an advertising project for a Hungarian automobile magazine with spectacular photos of cars. To implement the project, the guy used models of cars on a scale of 1:43.

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

I did a lot of takes to achieve the perfect kind of flying dust.

Here you can see the entire workflow, including the creation of decorations and practical techniques

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

I have been building this landscape for several days. I took a lot of test shots with smoke, which was a nightmare. I spent hours trying to create the perfect shape of the smoke behind the car.

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

My main principle is not to use Photoshop for effects. I do everything in front of the camera (e.g. blur, rain, dust, etc.).

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

The blurring you see in the background and on the wheels of cars was not the result of digital manipulation. I build real landscapes and try to turn my imagination into reality.

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

It takes me from 7 to 12 hours to create most of the photos. Although it would have been easier to fake motion blurs using Photoshop, I captured them on camera.

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

Here motion blur is also real. I built a movable asphalt surface, and the car was fixedHow to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

Of course, there are some cases when I turn to Photoshop, but I always indicate which parts of the photo contain these modifications.

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

Dynamics in the snow

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

The main thing here is to choose the angle

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

I spend hours creating miniature scenes with as many real elements as possible (like smoke and dirt).

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

Driving in bad weather. I used water spray to create rain

How to make realistic advertising photos using model carsHow to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

I built movable scenery and fixed the car. This way I could move all the objects and the road. This made the background blurry, and the "asphalt" turned the wheels

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

After the Skoda project, I worked on another one with a Mercedes G-Class model (scale 1:18).

Here you can see how everything moves except the car

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

I used a green screen for a uniform background. Then I changed its color and placed the texture of the cloud

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

In this image I wanted to create as much dynamics as possible

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

The elegance of the G-Classe

The series with the G-Classe was also a challenge

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

If I need snow, I'll make it.

How to make realistic advertising photos using model cars

Just for fun. A dreamy picture

Keywords: Brand | Hungary | Cars | Miniature | Advertising photography | Photographer

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