From prison and from the bag: Russian actors who received a sentence for murder, pedophilia and speculation

From prison and from the bag: Russian actors who received a sentence for murder, pedophilia and speculation

Categories: Celebrities

Recently, the popular Turkish actor Adnan Koc, known to viewers for the TV series "Magnificent Century" and "East-West", received 16 years and 8 months in prison for possession and use of drugs, resisting police, hostage-taking and intentionally causing harm to people's health. But not so long ago, Adnan was at the peak of fame and had a huge number of fans…

I wonder which of the domestic stars had to say goodbye to their careers because of their own stupidity or things much more serious? Read about it in our material.

From prison and from the bag: Russian actors who received a sentence for murder, pedophilia and speculation

Everyone probably knows this actor. He has more than a hundred roles in various films and TV series. The most popular of them are "An Ordinary miracle", "The same Munchausen", "Peace be upon your home!" and "Wolf Messing". In addition, Vladimir Dolinsky is an Honored Artist of Russia and the holder of the Order of Friendship.

However, all this might not have happened if in 1977, at the request of the troupe of the Dolinsky Satire Theater, they had not been released from prison ahead of time. The actor went to jail in 1973 for conducting illegal currency transactions. Of course, against the background of other criminal stars, which we will talk about, Dolinsky looks quite harmless, but at that time currency speculation was considered a very serious crime.

From prison and from the bag: Russian actors who received a sentence for murder, pedophilia and speculation

While the actor was in prison, he tried to commit suicide, but, fortunately, he failed. Nevertheless, during this time, his wife Natalia left Dolinsky, who managed to find someone else. After his release, Vladimir had nowhere to go, but he was able to get back on his feet, returned to the theater and forgot his criminal past like a nightmare.

Many people remember Alexander Kilin from the TV series "Real Boys" and the film "Geographer Globe drank", where he played the role of one of the high school students. The young man failed to continue his acting career — in 2014, Alexander Kilin was accused of raping and murdering a 19-year-old girl.

From prison and from the bag: Russian actors who received a sentence for murder, pedophilia and speculation

The investigation found that on August 30, 2014, the actor was relaxing with friends in one of the Perm cafes, where he met Lisa, a student of the Higher School of Economics. At the end of the evening, Kilin went to escort the girl home, and on the way committed sexual violence and murder.

The very next day, Kilin was arrested — the guy wrote a sincere confession in the pre-trial detention center. But soon the actor began to claim that he had done nothing, allegedly the police put pressure on him and forced him to take the blame. The guy's parents were also convinced that their son could not do anything like that. However, these arguments proved useless at the trial — Alexander Kilin was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Perhaps the most notorious crime in the world of show business was committed by actor Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev, who was also often called "the most flexible actor in the world" (the man practiced yoga). In April 2018, an actor of the circus, cinema and television, a leading specialist of the Yoga Federation of Russia LLC, the owner of many prestigious awards, was sentenced to 22 years in prison.

From prison and from the bag: Russian actors who received a sentence for murder, pedophilia and speculation

The man was found guilty of six rapes and using a minor to shoot pornography. The investigation found that in 2015 Gusengadzhiev raped his girlfriend's 9-year-old daughter, and in the period from 2012 to 2015 committed several more violent sexual acts against young children in Moscow and other subjects of the Russian Federation.The actor himself denies this and claims that he was slandered in order to take over his real estate on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. The man is determined to be released from prison ahead of schedule. "I call the deadline for my release: spring 2020," the actor told his fans.

Keywords: Actors | Prisoners | Criminals | Russian cinema | Russians | Prison | Criminal case

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